Want to make your penis BIGGER to impress your girl with a huge dick?
GREAT! You’re in the right place mate.
Discover the 5 best penis extender on the market based on results, comfort, and price.
If you’re looking to boost your bedroom performance and sexual activities, you don’t need expensive toys or lingerie to do it. To make your manhood BIGGER, you may just need a bump up in your girth.
This is why penis enlargement tools like penis extenders are here to help.
Nowadays, Penile Extender Device or Penile Stretcher starts to gain popularity among men as one of the safest and most reliable methods for penis enlargement.
The male extenders are based on the principle of traction device and constant thrust which resulting in a longer penis.
These devices have also been proven scientifically to permanently increase the length and girth of your penis.
Undeniably penis girth is somewhat important for men.
According to a recent study by ‘Psychology Today’ majority of women would prefer to have sexual relations with a man who was more than the average penis girth of 4.85 inches.
But have you wondered, why is this the case?
Because, the thicker the penis, the greater the possibility of clitoral stimulation, which is indeed important in 9/10 women to reach orgasm.
Having a bigger, harder and longer penis is the desire of every man. Just as a warrior needs a strong sword during a war, likewise a man’s penis is referred to as the ‘sword’ for sexual intercourse.
For men who have a short penis, I decided to look for ways to extend the penis. Hence, I did a lot of research and found the top 5 penis extenders.
But, what exactly is penile extender and how could you find the best one for you?
In this blog, I’ll help you find the Best Penis Extenders on The Market That Actually Work, so you can get the impressive results.
Although there is numerous penis enlargement device available on the market, not all of them work effectively.
Therefore, to save your valuable time and money, here’re the top 5 male extenders every man should have.
Our Top Pick: 5 Best Penis Extenders (Stretchers)
The table below shows the important features of the top 5 size enhancer that’ll help you in choosing the one that suits you best.

Quick Extender
The new generation penis extender device to use a DSS (Double Strap Support) system.
Corrects Penile Curvature.
Proven treatment for Peyronie’s disease.
Helps increase 5 inch erect penis with a girth of 4 1/2 inches over a 6 month time period.
2 silicone strap attachments.
100% satisfaction guarantee.
Delivers unbeatable value, comfort and results.
Result Guranteed

A medical device has the 58 WAY ULTIMATE Comfort System.
Uses the ONLY clinically proven method, offers a massive 2,800 grams of tension.
It has 3M advanced comfort plasters to give you MAXIMUM comfort.
Designed to cure penis diseases like Bent Penis Syndrome and Micro Penis Syndrome.
Increases penis size up to 8.7 inches.
This device has an AUTHENTIC medical device certificate.
ENDORSED by doctors across the globe.
Extreme results or double your money back!

Male Edge
Designed and hand-made in Denmark since 2008.
Proven to Straighten a Curved Penis and treat Peyronie’s Disease.
Make Your Penis Bigger.
Double Money Back Guarantee (1-Year Warranty).

Pro Extender
Proven treatment for Peyronie's.
Helps increase in erect length of 2.8 without surgery.
Recommended by Physicians in 29 countries.
100% money back guarantee.

Jes Extender
Comfort Strap.
Double Money Back Guarantee.
Lock and Key.
Here comes the moment you’ve all been waiting for!
I am going to review the top 5 penis extenders available on the market and make it easier for you to decide which is the best and suits you as per your requirement.
5 Best Penis Extenders For Length And Girth
#1: Quick Extender Pro
Launched in 2007, Quick Extender Pro has quickly become one of the top-rated penis extenders on the market.
More than a decade later, this penile extender device is still the most popular extenders, so there must be something unique about it. It claims to increase the penis size without any medication, drugs, and surgical operations.
The Quick Extender Pro is manufactured Innovatech Designs to deliver comfort, unbeatable value, and results in one complete package.
This penis enlargement device has worked industriously to develop a well-respected and professional reputation in manufacturing and designing penis extenders and curvature corrective devices.
The Quick Extender Pro is backed by a full 6 Month Money Back Guarantee. It basically includes free of charge to give you the confidence that can get the results you want or your money back.
You’ll get surprised to know that this is the only penis extender device that incorporates a DSS system to assure you great comfort and maximized results.
Further, it’s a next-generation device in penis extender technology. All in all Quick Extender Pro is the most effective, comfortable, and safest penis extender available on the market.
This size enhancer is the go-to choice for numerous men across the globe. A top-rated solution for both penile curvature correction and penis enlargement (length and girth), you can count on Quick Extender Pro to deliver maximum results.
#2: SizeGenetics
SizeGenetics is one of the most efficient, safe, comfortable, non-surgical penis extension on the market today.
This is the only size enhancer that has the 58 WAY ULTIMATE Comfort System. Every device of this male extender comes with 2 unique head-pieces with multiple ways of fitting the device!
This penis enlargement device uses the ONLY clinically proven method and offers a massive 2,800 grams of tension.
You’ll gain extra inches (8.7 inches) to your penis SAFER and FASTER compared to other penis extender device. The product has 3M advanced comfort plasters which provide you the MAXIMUM comfort when wearing it.
With its adjustable features, fine-tuning the device in order to suit the right level of traction force is very easy.
This device does not cause any irritation to the penile area.
The most exciting thing is that the technology used in producing SizeGenetics Extender clinically tested and scientifically tested, making it safe and effective.
Note: Results in using SizeGenetics penis extender differ from person to person, due to individual differences.
#3: Male Edge
As the name suggests, Male Edge is one of the finest penis extenders that any man can have.
It’s a 2nd generation penis enlargement device that offers a wide range of benefits.
The penis extender developed from the original traction device called JES Extender, which I’ll later review in this blog.
Male Edge is designed and hand made in Denmark since 2008 and is of European standard. The device is made of plastic, however, very durable and comes with a 54-way comfort system and able to take 2800 grams of tension.
It’s very important to buy or search for an original product from the right sources. Because according to the manufacturer there’re fake or counterfeit Male Edge penis extenders on the market.
The efficacy of this penis enlargement device is well documented and has the potential to give up to 28% increase in penis length and 19% increase in penis girth according to the available clinical trials.
Male Edge penis extender is also effective for penile curvature or Peyronies disease treatment.
The most exciting part is that the company offers a double money-back guarantee.
#4: Pro Extender
ProExtender is a medical device that is developed to naturally enlarge a man’s penis. Consistent and long term use of this penis extender delivers the desired result in a time span of several months.
This penis enlargement device was designed and developed in Denmark by a medical doctor with several years of research thereby evaluating the effectiveness of penile enlargement methods.
On the official website of ProExtender, the manufacturer claims this device to be a world-class leader when it comes to the field of male enhancement.
The main approach of this penis extender is to concentrate on the highest potential of the healthy male body.
Rather than invasive, dangerous surgery, ProExtender advocate natural method to achieve a bigger and thicker penis.
This device relies on the body’s own ability to respond and help men overcome their sexual concerns through safe, natural means.
When talking about size, men can increase in erect length up to 2.8 inches.
The ProExtender device has also proven in curing Peyronie’s disease (curved penis), creating a longer, straighter penis.
So if you want to achieve a bigger penis and experience more sexual pleasure, then this product is for you.
#5: Jes Extender
The JES Extender is a powerful male extender which was designed to enlarge your penis naturally.
The product was introduced to the market around two years ago and has become one of the most popular and effective penis enlargement devices in the market.
It’s a non-surgical and non-invasive device that is based on a traction method to increase the length and girth of a penis.
This male extender system was initially created to cure penis curvature which is a physical impairment symptom of a disease known as Peyronie’s Disease.
Also, it helps to increase the length and girth of the penis.
The company behind this male extender has over 20 years of experience in producing penis extenders, and so the JES Extender is not going to disappoint you.
The JES Extender system has been classified as a Class 1 medical device by the FDA.
It has also been clinically tested for effectiveness by various organizations one of which is the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery in Copenhagen.
According to their study, the majority of the men who used this penis extender experienced an increase in the penile length of at least 1 mm each week.
These aforementioned penis extenders are perfect for stretching the length of your penis naturally. They are science-backed, clinically tested, and recommended by doctors. All you need is to buy one of these from an approved source.
Penis Extenders FAQs
What is Penis Extender/Size Enhancer?
The technology on which penis extender is based on is traction.
The surgeons have for decades using this technique to enlarge, increase the length, and correct curved penises.
So what the penis extender does?
Well, when you wear this device on the penis, it extends the length and girth of the penis.
And with time the penis will grow to catch up with the length.
Besides, increasing the length and girth of the penis, male extenders can be used in fixing or curing curved penis or Peyronie’s disease.
Obviously, the name does give you a clearer idea of what this device does, what it is exactly.
A penis extender normally works by utilizing the traction method to extend the penis, causing it to stretch out.
This device has been proven to be safe and effective to a large number of men, and there are some positive testimonials you’ll get to read online.
Stretching the penis can increase the penile size while also improving the health of your penis and offers a number of benefits.
Some of the advantages of using male extenders are discussed here.
Take a look…
What Are The Benefits of Using Penis Extenders?
Using a penis extender can have a number of benefits, and whatever your goal for using this device, it can be a great tool to achieve it.
Here’re top 4 reasons you may consider for using a penis extender:
Straightening the penis
This device can work wonders for people suffering from Peyronie’s Disease. Because of the penis stretching, this penis extender can help straighten out any extreme curvature you may be experiencing on your penis.
This, in turn, can boost your self-confidence or even improve your performance on the bedroom.
I totally understand that a bent penis can be something men get insecure about and if it is really bothering you, you should consult a doctor if you’re seeing any symptoms or it’s causing you troubles while having sex.
So if you want to straighten out a bit, then this device will do the trick for you!
Penile Health
A penis extender can promote good health for your penis. Just like any other tissue in the body, your penis can benefit from good blood circulation and stretching.
It can make your penis longer and stronger permanently and help you maintain a healthy tone of the penis.
Curing Erection Problems
If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, a penis extender device may help you overcome this issue by promoting the blood circulation in your penis.
Also if you’re suffering from premature ejaculation, then the male extender may also help you out!
Lengthening The Penis
As the name suggests, a penis extender device can actually increase the length and girth of your penis. It’ll add a little extra length to boost your sexual pleasure.
According to several reviews and countless testimonials, a lot of men stated that their penis has got its length and girth due to penis extender.
It’s isn’t that a great reason for you to try it out yourself?
Penis Stretching = More Penis Growth
A man’s penis is made of muscles and cells, just as with other body parts, and so with time and lack of exercise, will begin to break down in size.
Because of factors like age, the tissue in the penis will begin to break down over time, which will decrease the standard size of a dick by as much as an inch.
But there’s no need to worry; with the use of the high-quality size enhancer, proper penis enlargement exercises, and penis enlargement foods, you can reduce the risk.
Additionally, you can build the muscle, while keeping your penis in prime shape.
How Do Penis Extenders Help?
Originally created to treat penile diseases like Peyronies and micropenises, penis extenders have since become a standard tool for natural male enhancement, often recommended by doctors for men who want to increase their size.
The size enhancers have been developed from the highest quality Medical Type 1 materials; proven to help men increase their penis length and girth by up to 30%.
In other words, has the potential to enlarge your penis up to one inch in as little as 6 months.
What’s the best part?
The results are permanent, your penis will be longer. Penis Extenders work by applying constant pressure to the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which further leads to a size adaption by the penile tissue.
The more the pressure is applied, the more cells have to shift to compensate, thereby causing the copora cavernosa to pull away, leading to tissue growth and new cell production.
This creates more space and stimulates blood flow in the two main chambers within the penis fills with blood, leading to a harder, longer and thicker erection.
Size Enhancer for Permanent Penis Enlargement
Penis traction extenders are a scientifically proven tool that works effectively. Once it increases your penis size, you would not have to worry about it getting shorter again.
Also, there’s no need for surgery or any other medical treatment. All you need is to wear the device for a few hours a day up to 6 months until you achieve your desired penis length.
Ideally, the device is worn between 3 to 4 hours for a minimum of six months to gain permanent results.
It’s also very important to choose the right penis extender to get the finest outcome.
Are Penis Extenders Safe?
Safety and comfort should come in the first place when are dealing with your crown jewels.
If you use your imagination, then a penis extender sometimes sounds like an old medieval torture device. But luckily, it’s nothing of the sorts!
You do not need any prescription while purchasing the penis extender. Although when buying the device make sure it has a manual and instructional video so that it can help you with how to use the product.
Also, it can help you get answers to many of the questions that you might want to answer.
A penis extender is an effective way of increasing penis length and girth plus promoting good penile health.
It is 100% safe, especially if you follow the instructions provided with your model.
On the contrary, male extender works to strengthen the penis and improve health!
What to Lookout For When Choosing the Best Penis Extenders?
- If you’re a first-time buyer, you must be very causing while choosing a size enhancer because there’re numerous fake or counterfeit products on the market.
- Also, it’s important to watch out the devices that include accessories that provide comfort including nooses, pads, cushion, and silicone straps.
- It’s essential to check whether the manufacturer of a penis extender is able to replace the worn out parts of the device, as the part can get damaged due to its frequent use. This normally reduces the stress you have to go through in case you need to replace the product.
- The manufacturer should provide extra parts for easy replacements.
- There should be an extra rod for extension and it is advisable not to buy extenders with a single rod as it can be over or under your required size.
- Last but not least, there should be a guide (user manual) to instruct you how to use the device to prevent improper usage.
Now, you must be aware of how penis extenders work and what are the benefits.
Recommendations To Use Best Penis Extenders
All these top 5 penis extender devices do work, but it takes time. When used as instructed, you’ll be able to increase your penis length and girth. Most male extender systems do not work instantly and demand a lot of commitment to achieve desired results.
You have to use a penis enlargement device at least for 6 months (non-stop) if you really want it to work efficiently. Penis stretching might sound pretty painful to you, but trust me, it’s not.
In fact, it’s very gentle and when you use the best penis extender device you do not even feel it. Although these male extenders are not visible to people (in public), it is recommended to wear it under trousers or some loose pants for your own comfort. Don’t forget to check out the user manual to get the best results out of it.
Select From the Top 5 Best Penis Extenders That’ll Make Your Penis BIGGER
SizeGenetics, Male Edge, Quick Extender Pro, Male Edge, Pro Extender, Jes Extender – these are my current 5 best penis extenders for 2020. Out of several male extender devices, these five are the best. All of these are worth buying.
The table covering the key points of the top 5 Best Penis Extenders will help you decide with penis enlargement device you should go for.
Penis Extender |
Key Features |
Quick Extender Pro |
SizeGenetics |
Male Edge |
Pro Extender |
Jes Extender |