Testosterone Killing Foods

Got low testosterone?

Guys, if you are experiencing a significant drop in your testosterone levels, you might suffer from several health issues like…

  • Reduced sperm count
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Low energy
  • Declined bone strength and muscle
  • And more…

So what’s the reason?

Are there foods that kill testosterone?

Well, Yes!

What you eat or include in your diet might actually be killing your testosterone levels.

Your bad eating habits can affect your health, including your hormones.

Here’s what you need to know about top testosterone-killing foods which might reduce the production of T in your body.

In this article, we look at 10 foods that kill testosterone that have been proven to drop testosterone levels.

And further down, we also list five foods you can use to help boost testosterone.


What Are Testosterone Killing Foods?

Since testosterone and diet are closely connected to each other, here are some testosterone-killing foods you may want to exclude from your grocery list.

What Foods Kill Your Testosterone?

Here we’ve listed the top 15 foods that kill testosterone.

Replace them with the best testosterone-boosting foods and keep your fitness level up.


1) Soy

Soy and soy-based foods are well-accepted among vegans and everyone who sticks to a plant-based lifestyle.

If you are consuming foods like soy milk, miso, edamame, and tofu on a regular basis then it might significantly drop your testosterone levels.

According to one study, drinking soy protein for 54 consecutive days can decrease testosterone levels in the human body.

But the question is…why do Soy and soy-based foods reduce testosterone?

Well, the answer is simple!

Soy food contains phytoestrogens – a kind of substance that mimics the effects of estrogen in the body.

These phytoestrogens may mess up your body’s hormonal balance by uplifting estrogen and thereby dropping testosterone levels.

Several studies confirm that phytoestrogens from Soy and soy-based foods may lower prostate weight and decrease testosterone.

It can also lead to male disorders such as prostate cancer and enlarged prostate.

Therefore if you want to avoid low testosterone, we suggest you limit your intake of soy.


2) Licorice root

Licorice root is initially found in Western Asia and Southern Europe.

According to ancient history, licorice root has been used for medicinal purposes by ancient civilizations.

This testosterone-killing food is also used to sweeten candies and beverages.

Although licorice root has a number of health benefits, it comes up with a wide range of side effects.

Consumption of licorice root can reduce your testosterone levels.

According to several types of research, licorice root can badly affect hormonal levels in your body and declines testosterone.

One study revealed that people who consumed 7g of licorice root a day for a week noticed a decline in their testosterone levels by 26%.

It clearly shows why licorice root is included in the list of top testosterone-killing foods.

So in order to boost your testosterone levels, you must avoid the intake of licorice root.

Many testosterone-boosting supplements contain these ingredients nowadays.

Therefore, read the labels carefully before purchasing.

If the supplement contains licorice root, just make sure the servings are not high.

Strictly avoid or limit the consumption of licorice root if you really want to protect your testosterone levels.


3) Processed foods

Consumption of processed foods has become a trend nowadays.

A majority of people follow a Western diet and we all know that their food is heavily refined and processed.

Most of these foods contain less nutrition which of course is not sufficient for your body.

In particular, processed foods fail to supply the body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly.

As an alternative, the consumption of processed foods increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes, and contributes to weight gain.

The reason behind this is… Processed foods are rich in sugar, sodium, and trans fats.

Besides, they also contain saturated and unhealthy fats.

According to health experts, processed foods are bad for your hormone balance – and may reduce testosterone levels.

A bunch of research has confirmed that people who consume trans fats in higher amounts had 15% lower testosterone levels compared to those with the lowest intake.

The heavy consumption of Trans fats may also lead to decreased sperm count and testicular volume.

Testicles are where the human body produces free testosterone.

And problems with testicular function can affect your testosterone production.


4) Vegetable Oils

If you follow the standard Western diet, vegetable oil is considered a pantry staple.

Usually, if cooking oil is labeled as “vegetable oil,” they are a combination of several types of oil, including sunflower, canola, soybean, corn, safflower, peanut, and olive.

All these oils include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

These have also been studied and proven to reduce testosterone levels.

If you are looking at how to lower testosterone, eating these is fine.

However, if you have Low T or want to increase your levels, these oils should be avoided.


5) Alcohol

Having a drink from time to time isn’t going to impact your hormones; however, if you drink daily or even several times a week, your testosterone levels may fall significantly.

Plenty of studies have proven alcohol impacts the proper function of your hypothalamus, testes, and pituitary gland.

Like what happens when you consume dairy, alcohol makes it impossible for your hypothalamus to release GnRH.

Also, the pituitary gland will not release LH and FSH, and the testes won’t produce testosterone.

If you are continually drinking, your hormones are going to become underserved.


6) Refined carbohydrates and sugars

White bread, pasta, and rice along with pastries and cakes are known as refined carbohydrates.

Refined carbohydrates are those that are quickly digested by the body leading to a quick release of sugar and a spike in insulin.

Refined carbohydrates and/or sugars may cause testosterone decline, but this is connected to potential weight gain as opposed to the immediate effect of consuming refined carbohydrates.

According to the health experts:

Refined carbs and sugars often lead to poor weight control. Obesity is the number one culprit in leading to low testosterone. Many weight management physicians and cardiologists espouse keto low-carb diets for rapid and maintained weight loss and a positive side effect will typically be a rebound in testosterone levels.


7) Sweetened Beverages

Having a beverage is a great way to cool down after a hot day, but some beverages are not appropriate for men who are trying to balance their testosterone levels.

The sugar in carbonated beverages leads to increased weight and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Even though diet soda is available as an alternative, it can still lead to an increased risk of weight gain.

Drinking too many sweetened beverages leads to a chain effect.

Weight gain happens, which can affect testosterone.

A lot of men use soda during alcohol consumption.

This combo also leads to problems with sexual desire and erectile dysfunction – common symptoms among drinkers.

Instead of sweetened beverages, men should realize there are several alternative options to enjoy.

A glass of water would be the healthiest alternative. Sparkling water is another good option to consider.


8) Mint

If you love mint, you’re probably going to hate this part. Mint has become omnipresent.

Peppermint and spearmint prove to be wonderful tea.

You can also find mint products, essential oils; you name it.

Although mint is refreshing and calming, it contains menthol.

That’s where the problem lies. You see, menthol in mint has the potential to decrease testosterone levels.

At this point, it is not clear why mint reduces testosterone.

Research on this subject focused primarily on women. More studies are necessary to learn the underlying mechanisms through which mint can decrease testosterone levels.

To protect your testosterone balance, you may want to avoid drinking too much mint tea or reducing the intake of mint-containing products.


9) Flaxseed

You are probably shocked to see flaxseeds on the list of foods that kill testosterone.

Flaxseed has become a healthy staple ingredient due to its powerful nutritional status and numerous health effects.

Besides B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, flaxseeds also contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This is important because ALA is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid.

As you’re already aware, the body needs Omega-3s to function properly.

If flaxseeds are so healthy, how come they affect testosterone levels?

Despite all the amazing nutrients, flaxseeds also contain a chemical called lignan.

This particular compound may reduce testosterone levels.


Lignans tend to bind to testosterone and force its excretion out of the body.

As a result, the body has a lower amount of testosterone than necessary.

Flaxseeds contain a wide range of nutrients your body needs to remain healthy and prevent certain medical conditions such as heart disease.

You do not have to avoid flaxseeds entirely.

Since they may lower testosterone levels, you should limit their consumption.

Make sure you avoid consuming too much and stick to moderation.


10) Dairy

Think twice before you help yourself to that cheese platter or a tall glass of whole milk.

Several studies indicate that dairy products can lower your testosterone levels.

Pregnant female cows are the primary source of milk that’s produced and sold commercially, and their milk is filled with estrogens and progesterone.

Those hormones adversely affect testosterone by suppressing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which men need for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH).

When they’re not released, your testes can’t synthesize testosterone.

A 2010 analysis supports the adverse relationship between dairy products and men’s hormones.

It’s also worth noting that 98 percent of soybean meal is used for animal feed, so chances are that estrogen levels in cows’ milk are even further bolstered.

If you really crave milk, go with low-fat or skim, and make sure it’s fortified with Vitamin D, which is good for your testosterone.

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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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