HIIT For Testosterone

Looking for a faster way to boost your testosterone production is absolutely natural.

Better fitness and weight management are catalysts in boosting testosterone levels.

There are various methods out there, aiding in increasing the testosterone levels of the body.

These methods include medical options such as supplements or natural ways such as workouts.

Usually, people tend to go for natural methods of testosterone production, to maintain a safe side.

However, there are many supplements too which are risk-free and give you fast results.

But, if you want to take a better and more natural approach to increasing testosterone production, this article is just the place for you.

Studies suggest that out of all the workouts, HIIT is the best way to boost testosterone.

It speeds up your results better than any other steady-state workout for hours.

Moreover, it cuts your time and boosts your T-levels as no other physical training does.

Also, apart from testosterone, HIIT can boost HGH levels too. HIIT gives you faster results, in or out of the gym.

Hence, if you’re planning to take on this method to boost testosterone, keep reading this article.


What is HIIT?

HIIT basically stands for High-Intensity Interval Training and is also referred to as burst training, which is a more efficient method of cardio.

Burst training or sprint interval training are general terms that describe HIIT.

They simply imply a training type that involves bursts of high-intensity cardio workouts with follow-up low-intensity ones.

An example of this would be, 45 seconds of running or jogging, followed by 15 seconds of sprinting.

Further, professional athletes or fitness lovers prefer doing HIIT for anywhere between 10 to 45 minutes.

However, it is totally up to you how long you want to do it.

Also, to make it better, there is a direct link between High-Intensity Interval Training and Testosterone increase.

Check out the next section to know how.


Link Between HIIT And Testosterone

According to the experts, HIIT is the best natural method to boost your cardio and increase T-levels at the same time.

Conventionally, too much cardio makes you lose weight along with muscle mass.

However, muscle is an important element in increasing testosterone levels.

Hence, in order to lift your testosterone levels, you ought to choose a workout that maintains muscle.

Wait, what could be better than HIIT to suit your purpose?

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine suggests there is an obvious link between HIIT and Testosterone. Their results show that there was a significant increase in T-levels due to a high intensity training program in men aged 35 to 40 years.

Additionally, HIIT also successfully showed improvement in Cortisol levels as well as muscle strength.

Therefore, HIIT is an awesome way to lift your T-levels and to bid goodbye to old cardio.

Furthermore, the significant link between HIIT and Testosterone levels is supported by many other studies.

However, if you want more details, check out some more studies in the section ahead.


Does HIIT Boost Testosterone?


You might be inclined to take supplements to increase testosterone levels.

However, HIIT can also do an awful lot to boost testosterone production.

As we have already discussed, there is plenty of evidence showing HIIT increases T-levels naturally.

Testosterone levels are important for many vital functions of the body.

Healthy testosterone levels are necessary to take care of.

High-Intensity Interval Training has been found as the best method to raise T-levels.

Not just that, it also helps maintain adequate muscle mass and strength.

A research carried by Paton et al. showed a 97% of increase in testosterone levels in cyclists. During their study, 18 road cyclists were subjected to eight 30-minute HIIT sessions. This resulted in tremendous increase in testosterone production in their bodies.

So, if you have been thinking Does Exercise Increase Testosterone in Males, the answer is yes.

Not just any regular exercise, but specifically HIIT suits well for T-boosting.

People often tend to misinterpret exercising with cardio to boost their testosterone production.

But that’s not optimal. Another research from the European Society of Endocrinology shows an increase in free testosterone as a result of a six-week HIIT.

Thus, there is enough evidence to support the claim that HIIT efficiently raises the level of testosterone in the body.


How Does HIIT Boost Testosterone Levels In The Body?

A multitude of evidence backs up the claim that HIIT increases testosterone levels.

However, the need to maximize its effects remains constant. It is extremely important to know how it actually boosts the hormone.

For that purpose, we have constituted this section to briefly explain the proper method to practice HIIT.

If you want to enjoy the full and faster benefits of HIIT, you’ve got to read this out.

  • The rule to remember while working out is: work out at your maximum potential during the short bursts of 30 to 45 seconds.
  • Follow your high-intensity bursts with a 15 seconds’ break.
  • Make sure you are working out as hard as you can during these short bursts.

Moreover, the best way to know whether you are working out enough is to note the total time of your exercise.

Experts say that if you are able to continue HIIT for 30 or more minutes, you’re not doing enough.

It says you’re not working out at your maximum potential in the short high intensity bursts.

This is because, if you do, you will not last longer than 15 to 20 minutes in total.

Also, you might be intrigued to think it’s better to take supplements for increasing testosterone, as you can also build muscle on them.

But wait, you can do that with HIIT as well. Confused – does HIIT build muscle?

Well, it sure does. You only have to be consistent with it.

Moving on, there are several different workouts under High-Intensity Interval Training.

This might make you wonder which is the best HIIT for Testosterone.


Top HIIT Workouts to Boost Testosterone

There are several exercises and workouts under HIIT which possess multiple benefits including testosterone increase.

Most of these exercises can be done comfortably at home, without the need to go to the gym.

Moreover, HIIT workouts not only increase the metabolic rate during working out but after too.

This is what we call the ‘afterburn effect’.

Medical studies show that this afterburn effect can last for up to 24 hours after the workout.

Hence, HIIT is extremely effective and shows great results.

Best HIIT Workouts

In this section, we have mentioned the 7 most popular HIIT workouts which target T-boost.

Check this out for more information on them.


  1. Jumping rope

Jumping rope is one of the best Testosterone Boosting Exercises At Home.

It is a powerful HIIT that burns a high number of calories as a HIIT exercise.

Additionally, jumping rope also potentially strengthens a lot of injury-prone muscles, such as ankles, shins and Achilles tendons.

Starting with this HIIT exercise is not so difficult. A rope is easy to keep, use, and doesn’t need any extra space.

You can jump a rope comfortably anywhere you want.

Further, a basic jumping rope workout regimen follows the following steps:

  • Jump a rope with both legs for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second break.
  • Jump a rope with the left leg, for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second break.
  • Jump a rope with the right leg, for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second break.
  • To add more intensity, jump with high knees, followed by a 10-second break.
  • Jump again on both legs for 20 seconds.
  • Take a 10 seconds break.

This is a basic procedure to practice jumping rope to boost testosterone production.

This can also be included as a warm-up exercise for regular workouts.


  1. Sprinting

Sprinting is the easiest HIIT workout, which can strongly increase testosterone levels.

It is a go-to-gym or outdoor exercise and is not very difficult to practice.

Basically, it requires running or jogging with high intensity in bursts and taking a slow pace sprint as a follow-up.

The ideal way to do a basic sprinting is to do a low-paced jog for 3 minutes and then do a high-paced sprinting for 10 to 15 seconds.

To attain the maximum benefits of sprinting, make sure to do ten rounds of the above-stated procedure.

This workout should be a minimum of 15 minutes every day.

Else, if you want moderate effects, doing this workout twice or thrice a week would be enough.


  1. Squat jump

Squat jumping is a vital HIIT exercise to boost testosterone levels. It strongly works out most of the major muscles in the body.

Mostly, the hamstring, glutes, and lower back are specifically targeted with Squat Jumps.

Moreover, squat jumps are a great way to work out the lower body, while increasing heart rate.

To practice them correctly, follow these steps.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  • Bring your body into a squat position by sinking down while bending the knees outwards.
  • Make sure your back is not bent.
  • Push off the floor and jump up as high as you can.
  • Keep your knees bent while you land.
  • After landing get back into the original squatting position.

Practice this workout in the same way regularly for better results.


  1. High Knee Sprints

High knee sprints might sound like an easy exercise to do, but it is surely not.

This workout can work up the upper body and core muscles and make you sweat.

Further, high knee sprints can also be paired as a burst exercise for resistance training.

This workout effectively raises your testosterone levels and can easily get the heart pumping.

High knee sprints ought to be done in an appropriate manner.

To practice this workout correctly, take note of the following steps.

  • Make sure to wear comfortable shoes before starting this exercise.
  • Stand straight, keeping the feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands on your sides.
  • Slightly bring your right knee above the waist level and move the left arm upwards.
  • Lower the right leg and left arm straight quickly.
  • Do this procedure with the other arm and leg.
  • Repeat the above-listed process with alternate limbs.
  • Maintain an interval of 30 seconds for this exercise, followed by a 30 seconds rest.

Do not exceed your limit while practicing high knee sprints.

Always ensure to do it for the desired time, only for as long as you’re comfortable.


  1. Boxing

Boxing is a popular sport and is a form of high-intensity interval training. It involves frequent bouts of extreme-intensity training.

Also, boxing is an effective aerobic exercise, that will raise your testosterone naturally.

Apart from increasing testosterone, boxing has two other vital benefits: boosting cortisol and maintaining physical health. A correct boxing regimen helps to burn 500 calories per hour at the proper pace.

Moreover, boxing is an extremely fun activity and does not let you get bored of working out.

It also does not involve any extra repetitions. For efficient testosterone production, this HIIT workout should be practiced at high intensity.

The bursts of high-intensity hits are to be followed by short breaks in between.


  1. Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings can be considered the Best HIIT For Testosterone boosting.

They offer a better-rounded workout targeting more muscles than any other workout.

People with sensitive knees and ankles, or with injuries can benefit from this workout.

Kettlebell swings do not put any pressure or high impact on the sensitive points of the body.

Moreover, they fix your range of motion and muscle imbalances.

These are amazing methods to boost testosterone production while enjoying exercise.

Here are some steps to follow in order to perform kettlebell swings.

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your knees low to grab and pick up the kettlebell.
  • Make sure to use both hands to lift the kettlebell.
  • Maintain the posture and swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height.
  • Repeat this procedure with contained momentum for 30 seconds, followed by 15 seconds’ break.


  1. Kettlebell thrusters

Want to add more intensity to the kettlebell exercise?

Why not include kettlebell thrusters in your workout schedule?

Thrusters are most efficient in burning calories and increasing testosterone production.

These are high-intensity exercises, giving you a full body blitz.

This workout involves not one, but two kettlebells.

However, it is important to pay attention to the correct procedure for practicing it.

For that purpose, we have listed down the steps for kettlebell thrusters.

  • Stand straight and hold two kettlebells in your hands.
  • Bend your knees and come in a squatting position.
  • Straighten your legs and pull the kettlebells above your head.
  • Again, come in the squatting position, and repeat this procedure.

Also, make sure to take short breaks during thrusters.

These were some of the most popular HIIT workouts that target testosterone production and boost it.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily workout regimen, you can boost the levels of testosterone, while enjoying multiple physical benefits.



There are many methods to manage and boost testosterone production in your body.

When it comes to diet, there is a multitude of supplements available in the market that increase the T levels.

However, a more effective and healthy way to do so is by incorporating HIIT into your workout schedule.

This article provides a deep insight into the effectiveness of HIIT in increasing the testosterone levels in the body.

Also, it mentions various studies that prove the link between HIIT and testosterone.

Also, the later section of this article lays down some popular HIIT workouts which concentrate on testosterone production.

This might help you manage your hormones naturally with other health and physical benefits.

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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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