Thermogenic Foods For Weight Loss

The top fat burners are bringing in exclusive thermogenic ingredients these days!

But do these ingredients help you lose fat?

Thermogenesis is a metabolic process that raises your basal temperature to convert calories into energy.

This way the process helps in:

  • Sourcing energy
  • Aiding in daily activities
  • Weight loss

Thermogenesis can occur in two possible ways:

  • Shivering  – involves muscles
  • non-shivering thermogenesis – does not involve muscles but uses metabolic processes

Out of these two ways, non-shivering thermogenesis works the best for weight loss and can be achieved by foods that increase the temperature of your body.

Hence, the Thermogenic Effect of Food can be considered a strategy for weight loss!


Thermogenesis Weight Loss – How Can Thermogenic Foods Help You Burn Fat?

Non-shivering thermogenesis is the best way to lose those extra pounds peeping through your body.

Thermogenic foods contain several such nutrients that work together  to boost the nonshivering thermogenesis by:

  • Boosting metabolic activity
  • Speeding up the digestive process
  • Increasing the calorie burn rate

Hence, it gives you a base for better workouts and thus paves way for a higher fat burn.

However, the foods work to push your efforts into weight loss by increasing your body’s capability to perform exercises enough to burn fat.

But not all foods are Thermogenic Foods That Burns Fat, only certain foods contain those compounds that can increase the above functions.

Since picking up such foods require good info on what exactly a thermogenic diet is, here is what you can eat for Thermogenic Benefits.


The Thermogenic Diet – What should you eat?

For preparing a diet rich in thermogenic foods, one must look out for foods that can help increase the basal temperature.

Since the foods can contain the different values of nutrients for your thermogenesis, grouping them and identifying the amount of these that help burn fat is essential.



According to fitness experts, proteins can be the best source for increasing thermogenesis as compared to other macronutrients.

Hence keeping the diet well loaded with protein can be a plus point.


Carbohydrates and fats

They provide a great amount of energy for workouts and exercises.

In terms of thermogenesis the calorie deficient state matters and not how much carbs you intake daily.

Adding carbs to the thermogenic foods section can boost your calorie burn rate by almost 15%.

After taking care of the nutrients, it’s time to add up some spice!


Spicy foods

Spices add up sweat and heat to your body after you are done loading yourself with the right proportion of carbs and proteins.

They contain several such compounds that make digestion a process of heat release and burn more calories to release energy.

Since you are now ready to prepare your thermogenic diet for weight loss results, here is a list of thermogenic foods that can help you with weight loss.


Thermogenic Foods List – Increasing Thermogenesis Naturally!

The above dietary guide makes you understand how nutrients affect your metabolic rate.

But now before you ask us How To Increase Thermogenesis naturally, it’s focusing on a diet rich in the above nutrients as well as some of the following thermogenic foods.


#1. Hot Peppers

The most researched source of thermogenic foods is hot peppers as they contain the active compound capsaicin.

This compound is responsible for boosting the thermogenic effects and can boost thermogenesis to a serious extent.

Research shows that capsaicin can boost calorie burn and also improve one’s ability to burn fat.


#2. Grapefruit diet

The grapefruit diet came back to popularity when Kat from Euphoria season 2 picked up the diet to lose some weight.

But what you might don’t know is that the grapefruit diet is not just a euphoria excitement but also a box of soluble fibers for perfect weight loss.

There are also other nutrients and water in the fruit that might help you with other benefits.


#3. Coffee

Many pieces of research find caffeine an effective thermogenic booster.

Many fat-burning supplements use a lot of caffeine to stimulate the thermogenesis process and help you burn more fat.

According to one such study, caffeine could increase metabolism by 11% and the rate of fat burning by 13%.

This adds up caffeine to a good list of businesses.


#4. Eggs

Any egg dish that you like, be it scrambled eggs or even poached eggs, they are gonna work wonder for you this sat.

They contain:

  • High-quality proteins
  • Omega – 3S
    Vitamin D

This way it doesn’t just burn more calories but it also helps curb appetite.


#5. Green tea

Another great source of caffeine coming straight to the table has a good report.

Green tea gained popularity as a thermogenic booster because of its good content of catechins and caffeine.

Together these two compounds boost thermogenesis and burn calories.


#6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon shows quick signs of triggering thermogenesis by causing a little burn in your neck when you first swallow it.

According to studies cinnamon has a direct effect on the fat cells and is overall converting more calories and even improved overall calorie burn.

All you can do to add up cinnamon in your daily routine is sprinkle some of it on your yogurt or just the pats for a tasty change.


#7. Ginger

Ginger has small compounds of capsaicin that have active reports of boosting thermogenesis.

Though the compound has a lesser amount of capsaicin as compared to hot peppers is still gonna leave you with a boost in thermogenesis.

It’s gonna directly act on fat cells as well and hence also aids in fat loss.


#8. Protein-rich foods

Turkey – contains 30 grams of proteins per 100 grams with just 130 calories. Because of the high protein and low carb combination, it’s gonna fit in for thermogenesis right.

Chicken – has 27 grams of proteins in every 100 grams and carries 150 calories, again good for your thermogenesis.

Lean red meat – has a high content of amino acids that help in thermogenesis and other such factors.


#9. Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains medium fatty chains that come together to form long-chain acids.

However, the medium fatty chains are more useful to us as they can induce a thermogenic reaction.

Taking one or two scoops of coconut oil in a day can increase the number of calories you burn including an increase in total energy expenditure.


#10. Avocados

Avocados contain enough calories for your energy requirements and also contain fibers that are difficult and slow to digest.

This is gonna keep you full for some time and hence make weight loss easier.

But what matters is it’s gonna make your thermogenic boost at a higher note.

However, when adding up thermogenic ingredients, pay special attention to how much of these foods are you consuming to avoid side effects.


Thermogenic Side Effects

Sometimes people don’t get the right idea of how much amount of thermogenic foods they should take.

This confusion raises questions and can sometimes result in side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • A slight increase in  blood pressure

Though these side effects are usually minor sometimes overeating the foods can result in chronic problems.

Some serious complications of using too many thermogenic boosters can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

But in such cases where you don’t get an idea of which food to add up in which quantity you can even try out some natural fat burners.

This fat burner or thermogenic burner can be of 100% natural ingredients with optimized dosage and no major side effects.



Thermogenesis is a popular term with leading fat burner manufacturers.

This comes from numerous studies and pieces of research that bring light on thermogenesis’ ability to push your weight loss to quicker results.

It has the power to burn your calories and release energy by boosting the metabolic rate at the same time.

While there do exist such amazing benefits of thermogenesis but there could also be some negatives of adding too many thermogenic ingredients to your life.

Hence whenever going for the thermogenic boost make sure you know the limits and the boundaries.


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What do thermogenic foods do?

Thermogenic foods enhance your metabolism and burn calories at a faster rate by stimulating the process of thermogenesis that increases the basal temperature.

These foods are just involved to produce heat by converting calories to energy.


  1. Will thermogenic foods make me sweat?

Thermogenic foods contain compounds that increase your internal temperature by causing metabolic reactions.

Hence they could cause sweating which helps in decreasing your water weight.


  1. How many calories does the thermic effect of food burn?

The thermic effect of foods can burn 10% of the calories that you intake.

But this could vary depending on the component or food that you are taking for thermogenesis.


  1. What are the top three thermogenic foods?

The most thermogenic foods contain spices and hence the foods can be ranked as:

  • Capsaicin in chili peppers
  • Green tea
  • Coconut oil


  1. Does peanut butter have a high thermic effect?

Yes, peanut butter can have a good thermic effect as the stomach takes more time to break the component of the peanut butter.

It can even reduce your appetite helping in more weight loss.

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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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