Oil for Penis Growth

Best Natural Oil for Penis Growth – Increase Length, Penile Girth, and Strength

Many men are looking to increase the length and girth of their manhood naturally and safely.

They want to have a BIGGER penis for their own self-esteem and the confidence of their partner.

They feel if they have a larger penis they will be able to satisfy their partner and enjoy sexual life even more.

This is the reason men seek different penis enlargement techniques and yes, there’re surgical and Non-surgical treatments but they may have dangerous side effects.

There’re pills, lotions, Vacuum devices, penile extenders, and Penis surgery but the results are not guaranteed.

Moreover, a man can have a penis enlargement surgery but there’re also side effects associated with this process.


Do you want to find out how to increase your penis size naturally and safely?

Here, you’re going to find out some great methods on how to enlarge your penis.

These natural penis enlargement methods will help you achieve a stronger and healthier penis.

Hundreds of men have already gained stronger and bigger erections and a more satisfying sex life thanks to all-natural penis enlargement oils. Not only that, they’ve gained size both in length and girth.

The use of oil for penis growth and male enhancement is not a magic trick; instead, it is completely natural and helps you get a bigger penis safely.

Just keep in mind that your gains are permanent and it’ll only cost you only time and effort.

The best part?

Larger penis and bigger, harder erections will usually lead to a more satisfying sex life and higher self-confidence.



What are the top 10 Penis Enlargement Oils?

Penis enlargement oils for male enhancement are one of the best options that a man can use to make his penis bigger.

There’re some essential oils for male enlargement that can be used to help enlarge the penis naturally.

These oils will allow the penis to become bigger, firmer, and look fuller.

The best parts about these oils are that they are easy to use and there are no side effects.

Now you may be wondering what essential oil is best for penis enlargement.

The following organic penis enlargement oils have been known to increase the size and health of the penis.

Top 10 Natural Oil for Penis Growth and Enlargement:

  1. Cardamon Oil
  2. Lavender Oil
  3. Sandalwood Oil
  4. Rosemary Oil
  5. Almond Oil
  6. Olive oil
  7. Castor oil
  8. Coconut oil
  9. Clove oil
  10. Sesame oil

Let’s take a look at these Penis Enlargement Oils in detail…


#1: Cardamon Oil – Natural Oil for Penis Growth

Cardamom Oil

Cardamon Oil is good for the penis in a number of ways.

It’ll improve the blood flow to the penile area allowing the penis to become both BIGGER and HARDER.

This oil basically works as an aphrodisiac which allows a man to become more turned on increasing the blood flow to man’s penis.

All he needs to do is massage his penis with Cardamon Oil every day and he’ll see the results in the form of penis growth.

#2: Lavender Oil

lavender oil

Lavender Oil is the other best essential penis enlargement oil for male enhancement and can be used for a number of purposes.

There are several benefits to Lavender Oil and it really smells nice.

This oil has the potential to soothe tense muscles and is also able to increase the flow of blood in the penile area for proper penile growth.

As a result, the penis will be able to fill with more blood allowing it to become bugger. This natural essential oil can also be used to improve penis strength.

The constant use of this oil will help a man get a harder erection and maintain it for a longer period of time.

This oil can be applied directly to the penis for growth and strength.

Within a couple of weeks, you’ll start noticing the results; your penis will become longer and you can stay harder.

Lavender Oil is easy to find in grocery stores and can really make a difference in the size of the penis.

#3: Sandalwood Oil – Natural Oil For Penis Growth

best ayurvedic oil for penis growth

This oil includes a number of soothing properties and has been widely used to help a man relax his tight muscles.

There’re many benefits of using this oil on the penis as well.

If you apply sandalwood oil to your penis on a regular basis, you’ll notice the increase in blood flow to the organ allowing your penis to look bigger and stronger.

In addition, this oil is also able to improve the sperm count. If a man and his partner are looking to have a child, this oil can help.

However, if a man is not looking to have a child, he needs to take necessary precautions.

The best part about this penis enlargement oil is that it has no negative side effects on health.

#4: Rosemary Oil – Oil for Penis Growth

best oil for penile growth

While this essential oil for the penis is harder to find compared to other penis enlargement oils, it is very beneficial for your penis.

This natural oil will increase the strength, length, and girth of the penis.

This oil can be directly massaged right onto the organ and in research, it is found that men like it to make their penis harder.

Further, this oil has been known to improve blood circulation.

It will make your penis stronger and even healthier each time the oil is applied.

For better results, Rosemary Oil should be used on a regular basis and a man will be satisfied to get a bigger penis naturally.

#5: Almond Oil

almond oil for penis growth

Almond Oil is another essential oil for penis enlargement that is easy to find.

This oil is basically made from the almond nut and thus includes multiple health benefits.

Almond Oil is very high in proteins and minerals including zinc.

Zinc is required for penis health and will make the penis become harder.

You can massage with almond oil onto your penis each day.

Remember, the oil you apply to the penis needs to be absorbed into the skin.

Although this process may take extra time, the benefits are well worth it.

It will not only make your penis become harder but all take in all minerals that it needs in order to make your penis healthier.

#6: Olive Oil – Natural Oil For Penis Growth

oilve oil for penis growth

Olive oil is popular for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Apart from its benefits in skin and hair care, olive oil is also proven to improve your sex life.

It is also correct to say that in a way, olive oil is the best oil for penile strength and growth.

Although there are no exact scientific explanations about olive oil for penis growth, there is a University of Athens study that states how olive oil consumption can cure ED by up to 40%.

This follows the theory of olive oil being effective for penis health, and people have seen sexual benefits by just applying and massaging it on the penis.

This not only makes the penis erect and harder but also helps increase its size. Sometimes, due to weakness in the penis, many men find it hard to get erect.

Hence, when you apply this oil to the penis consistently, it increases penile strength and eventually penile erection.

#7: Castor Oil

castor oil for penis

While there are many effective products for penis growth and enlargement, castor oil is one of them.

Castor oil is extremely rich in ricinolic acid. This acid is responsible for the blood flow to the sex organs, and also to promote regeneration of cells.

Often sexual problems happen when there is restricted blood flow to the penis. Therefore, castor oil for penis is considered to be the best oil for penile growth.

The ricinoleic acid present in castor oil stimulates an increased blood flow to the penis, causing it to heal the damaged tissue fats.

Also, there is an increased level of oxygen in the tissues, which makes the penis stronger and harder. Thus, out of all, castor oil is the best ayurvedic oil for penis growth if used consistently.



#8: Coconut Oil

coconut oil is best for penis growth

There are many synthetic and artificial methods to increase the penis size and strength. However, the most popular and common oil for penis growth is coconut oil.

While there are several testimonies on the internet to justify that coconut oil is best for penis growth, we have also conducted a little research of our own.

Coconut oil can be used both as a lubricant and a massage oil for the penis. Over some time, you can see better and harder erections in the penis with its usage.

It is absolutely safe and natural, making it the best ayurvedic oil for penis growth. Moreover, it doesn’t have any side effects or risks associated with its use.

#9: Clove Oil

Clove oil for penis growth

Clove oil is a very popular essential oil, extracted from the clove tree. It has multiple benefits for the health, and it is anti-bacterial. Another star added to its properties is that it has a great fragrance.

Generally, clove oil reduces pain and swelling in the body, but rubbing it on the penis can help increase its size.

Clove oil improves the blood circulation to the penis and makes you sexually aroused fast.

Plus, it helps in calming down any inflammation in the penis too, as it can sometimes lead to a weaker erection or slower sex drive. Hence, Clove oil for penis growth is a safe and effective approach.

Not only can you apply it on the penis but also include clove oil in your diet. It cures erectile dysfunction too and is good for penile strength.

#10: Sesame Oil

sesame oil for penis growth

Sesame oil is the most effective oil for penis growth and enlargement. It marvelously boosts circulation and increases sensitivity in the penis. Moreover, sesame oil is largely responsible for stimulating the veins and muscles of the penis.

Hence, you can use sesame oil for penis growth without even a second thought.

It is good for enhancing fertility and bone health in men as well. Being rich in zinc, it helps produce more testosterone, which increases the sperm count.

Also, there are many scientific claims that along with L-arginine, sesame oil works wonders in lengthening the penis. According to Ayurveda, sesame oil is a male organ booster and has no potential side effects on health.

Hold On!

Do You Think, The Oil for Penis Growth is enough to enlarge your penis???

Off Course… Not!!!

Note: Although these penis enlargement oils are safe and suitable for treating Penis size and erection problems. But, this is a long-term procedure and usually takes time to give you the desired result.

Men prefer quick fixes and by applying these herbal male enhancement lubes on your penile area over and over again, you won’t get a BIGGER penis or make gains in a short time span.

So what’s the best Penis Enlargement Oils to get fast results?

It’s simple.


VigRX Oil – Best Oil for Penis Growth and Male Enhancement Lube

VigRX Oil Results

Use VigRX Oil – the only male enhancement lube that is approved by professional doctors.

There are no side effects of using this oil and the product is even safe for oral sex as well.

Moreover, VigRX Oil is different from other oils because it uses a transdermal delivery system and provides safe and most importantly instant results.

The ingredients formulated in this product are 100% safe and powerful enough to provide quick gains.

In order to get permanent results, you have to apply it regularly on your penis.


According to research, above 80.40% of men who used this male enhancement lube before intercourse agreed that they enjoyed sexual intercourse and were able to maintain 100% erection during intercourse.

Are you interested to know more?

Here I have discussed a brief VigRX Oil review.

Take a look…

VigRX Male Enhancement Oil – Rock-Hard Erection Guaranteed Within 60 Seconds

Vigrx oil Before and after user pics

User Before And After Erection Pic

VigRX Oil is a natural male enhancement oil known globally because of its amazing benefits and outstanding features.

It is made up of 100% natural ingredients that are used to improve potency from various sources worldwide.

Ginkgo biloba leaf, Damiana, ginseng, and Muira Puama are some of the ingredients combined in this water-based oil without any artificial substance that could potentially prove harmful to the human body.

I am sure you wouldn’t want that especially since you’ll be applying this product directly on your genitals.

The VigRX Oil enhances not just the length and girth of your penis but it can also increase the sensations derived from sexual activities.

The male enhancement oil for penis growth and strength helps you achieve an increase in size and get you a full erection when used correctly.

Among all male enlargement oils, VigRX Oil is considered the best choice. This product has dramatically helped men all over the world. Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this product!

Aside from that, VigRX Oil offers other benefits like:

  • A rock-hard erection
  • An increase in penis length and girth
  • Better Penetration
  • Greater Enjoyment
  • More Endurance
  • Instant Arousal

VigRX Oil reduces roughness and makes sex comfortable for BOTH of you.

You’ll have long-lasting, more exciting passion – and enjoy a greater closeness between you and your partner.

Read VigRX Oil Reviews and See Results For More Info


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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

17 thoughts on “10 Natural & Ayurvedic Oil for Penis Growth and Penile Strength”
  1. My Penis is really small i sure hope it works my Wife is sleeping with one of my friends shes so sexually starved

    1. Yaa!! you must try it according to your needs, go through detail reviews of each product and find the best suits you.

  2. Hello everyone this is serious and real i want to tell the whole world about how vigrx oil helped me to get a harder erection in a minute. this oil is a miracle male enhancement oil.

  3. my size was too embarrassing and shameful imagine a 37 years old man like me having smaller inches penis size..one faithful day as i was watching a video on you tube i saw on the comments for vigrx oil and tried it. It really worked for me. It has not enhanced my penis size but has increased my stamina and sexual capacity.

  4. I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman,but with the use of penis vigrx oil, I m now enough to do this.

    1. Not to worry at all, this oil has no such side effects that can hamper your other body parts. As you know it’s just oil and you need to apply not to swell so, you don’t need to worry. just try this oil for your best performance ever.

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