Here’s the truth about the male enhancement pills. You can hardly find a guy who has guts to admit that he’s using them.
But why it’s so hard to admit that you’re using such pills?
Well, it’s not easy to face a situation where you’re having a sexual problem and that you need a little help in the bedroom.
Fortunately for the countless guys out there, the most effective male enhancement products run to the rescue.
So, if you’re looking for a way to achieve a more fulfilling intimate encounter, sooner or later you need to take care of this problem.
It’s about time for us to closely examine and evaluate the best male enhancement pills that work.
Male Enhancement pills use a wide range of minerals, supplements, and vitamins to increase sexual wellness, improve libido, eliminate erectile dysfunction, boost sexual performance and increase your testosterone levels.
Overall, the male Enhancement products were actually developed to help improve sexual performance and help maintain a healthy lifestyle, but without causing any side effects, and without the need for a prescription.
There’re verities of formulations to attain these effects, and given how many men face these problems, undoubtedly, there’s an enormous range of best male enhancement pills on the market.
Our researchers took a close look at the best products on the market and dig out some beneficial information to figure out which male enhancement supplements are the most effective for sexual performance and male sexual wellness.
But before we move ahead with male enhancement pills with the best ratings that are available in the market, take a look at…
Types of Male Enhancement Pills
There are two types of male enlargement pills:
- Non-prescription Pills (available over-the-counter)
- Prescription Pills (available on doctor’s prescription only)
Here at, I’m going to discuss all of the best (top 5), available non-prescription best male enhancement pills 2019; review any claims made by the manufacturer and see if their effects are backed up by scientific study or relevant research.
I’ll take a moment to point out that male enhancement pills review will be regularly updated, so please bear with us if you find a glitch.
Please take the time to learn about the top 5 best male enhancers available in the market today. Use them as directed when you do, and enjoy the site!
Reviews of the Top 5 Best Male Enhancement Pills 2019
Here are the science-backed top 5 natural male enhancement supplements.
The following products contain herbal and potent ingredients that have been used for centuries to help men gain more stamina, stronger erections, bedroom confidence, and an overall more enjoyable sexual experience.
Top 5 Natural Male Enhancement Pills That Really Works
Rather than spending your time comparing all of these products, my team has reviewed and compiled a wide variety of non-prescription male enhancement pills that work fast.
Our review consisted of examining each product’s ingredients, manufacturer’ claims, side effects, pros and cons, and finally price.
Below are some of the best male supplements 2019 on the market designed to give you a lifetime sexual experience.
#1: Male Extra
This supplement is ranked first among the top 5 natural male enhancement pills.
Male Extra is one of the best male enhancement pills for length and girth that has on the market since 2009. It is manufactured by a reputable company known as VOBUE LIMITED.
The product is claimed to offer numerous benefits which include increasing sexual pleasure, ability to have larger and stronger erections, and more intense orgasms among others.
This male enhancer contains a potent formula that uses 100% natural ingredients which are well-known for improving sexual health and sexual performance.
Each one of these ingredients works perfectly fine alone, but when combined together, they work even better, which is what the manufacturers of this penis enlargement pills were aiming for.
They wanted to make an efficient, safe and natural formula using only herbal ingredients. And that’s exactly what they did!
Male Extra Ingredients
Male Extra provides the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that improve the conditions for having sex, and it does so through organic and natural ingredients including…
- L-Arginine HCL 600mg
- Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid 500mg
- MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 100mg
- L-Methionine 100mg
- Zinc (as Citrate) 14mg
- Cordyceps 25mg
- Niacin 18mg (vitamin B3)
It’s a unique blend of components which together improve sexual performance for men. Moreover, many of these ingredients individually are used for endurance, blood flow, boosting libido, and increasing penis length and girth. However, when they’re combined they do that and more!
Manufacturer’s Claims
- Instantly boost your bedroom confidence by supercharging your sex life.
- Helps you get bigger, harder, long-lasting erections and more intense orgasms
- You’ll be able to satisfy your partner with super stamina and all night staying power
- Increase in erect penis size of between 0.8 – 2.6 inches over a 3 – 6 month period
- The product comes with a scientifically proven formula
- Free worldwide shipping all over the world
- Improves your overall sexual health
- You can expect to see results after just a few weeks
- Live chat customer support available
- 60 days money back guarantee
- A bit expensive
- No express shipping option
- Available only at the official website
How To Take Male Extra?
Simply follow the manufacturer’s dosage directions. This male enhancement supplement offers maximum benefits when you take 3 pills per day on a daily basis. Overdosing or skipping the dosage for a day or two may create complications or may hinder you from getting optimum results.
Where Can You Buy Male Extra?
Unlike many other male enhancers, you cannot buy Male Extra from Amazon, GNC, Walmart or eBay. It can only be purchased from the Official Website – This is meant to cut the chain of supply dropping the total price not to mention inhibiting scammers from faking this product.
What about the cost – Male Extra Price
Male Extra comes in three different packages from which you are free to choose between a supply for one, four or six months of continuous use.
- 1 bottle contains 90 capsules (1 Month Supply) $64.95 [Savings: $27.00]
- When it comes to a 4 Month Supply, you actually pay for 3 Male Extra bottles. Meaning, you’ll get 1 Bottle absolutely FREE + 1 FREE ERECTION GEL. This package costs $197.95 [Savings: $187.00]
- Ultimately, if you want to choose a 6 Month Supply then you will have to pay for 4 bottles. It means you’ll get 2 bottles for FREE. This popular package costs $249.90 [Savings: $318.00]. Not to forget, you’ll also get 2 FREE ERECTION GEL.
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#2: VigRX Plus
VigRX Plus is used by thousands of men across the globe as an alternative to expensive prescription medication like Viagra, with countless customer testimonials validating its results.
This male enhancement supplement has been in the market around for an impressive number of years. To be a bit precise – 17 golden years.
VigRX Plus is the natural penis enlargement pills that have been science-backed and clinically tested plus proven to increase penis size and erection quality.
This male enhancer is backed up by independent clinical studies that are published in leading medical journals.
Moreover, VigRX Plus pills are the only male enhancement product I know of that’s recommended by leading medical doctors in the USA as an alternative to prescription medication.
In fact, the product has been endorsed by Dr. Steven Lamm M.D. who is the Director of NYU Men’s Health Center.
VigRX Plus Ingredients
With numerous ingredients, VigRX Plus has one of the most comprehensive formulations on the market. When combined, it delivers the best results.
Here’s what’s on the inside of every VigRX Plus pills:
- Damiana
- Epimedium Leaf Extract
- Asian Red Ginseng
- Muira Pauma Bark Extract
- Hawthorn Berry
- Catuaba Bark Extract
- Saw Palmetto
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Bioperine
The company behind this male enlargement pills are dedicated to testing, re-testing and reformulating over time. Recently, the manufacturers have updated this formula and added two brand new ingredients to give it (and YOU) a HUGE boost.
I personally have done the research and so you don’t have to. VigRX Plus is on the top of all latest medical science, discoveries, and innovations, especially when it comes to men’s sexual health.
Manufacturer’s Claims
- Helps to maintain erection frequency
- Provides erection firmness
- The frequency of Partner Penetration
- Gives you the confidence in attaining and maintaining an erection
- Helps you achieve the frequency of maintaining an erection after penetration
- With VigRX Plus you can have the ability to maintain an erection to completion of intercourse
- VigRX Plus pills have been on the market for over 17 years (Longest proven track-record for any male enhancement pills)
- You’ll get huge discounts when purchasing the product in bulks for multiple months.
- Manufactured and formulated in the USA.
- Only male enlargement pills with an independent clinical study issued in medical journals.
- Endorsed by medical doctors as a natural alternative to prescription Pills.
- Increases libido and improves erection quality.
- 67-day money back guarantees so you can try it with confidence.
- Slightly more expensive compared to other male enhancement pills, if you don’t take advantage of huge discounts.
- Only available online at Official Website.
How Should You Take VigRX Plus?
The Official Website of VigRX Plus recommends taking 2 pills a day, the first one in the morning and the second one in the evening, with meals. It is suggested to take the male enhancement pills for a minimum of three months because the nutrients or vitamins need time to accumulate and begin to work in your body.
Where Can You Get VigRX Plus?
To be certain that you’re getting a genuine product, it is advisable to buy VigRX Plus directly from the manufacturer’s official website.
This male enlargement pill is not available at any other online stores like Amazon, eBay or at local retail stores like GNC, Walmart or Walgreens.
This is because the makers of this sexual enhancer don’t want to compromise with the quality and standard of their product.
VigRX Plus Price
VigRX Plus comes in different packages, allowing individuals to choose the set that fits best as per their current needs. Following are the packages that are being sold on the product’s official website.
- 1 Months Supply – costing at $76.99 (Save $13.00), the package is the most basic available today.
- 2 Months Supply – this set comes with a small price of $143.99 (Save $35.99). It also comes with a money-back guarantee for buyers.
- 3 Months Supply – In this package, the product is being sold for $205.99 (Save $63.98) + FREE Global Shipping.
- 4 Months Package (4 Months’ Supply) – this VigRX Plus discount Package offers several bonuses! The supply goes for $267.99 (Save $136.97) + FREE Global Shipping.
- Silver Package (5 Months’ Supply) – the Silver Package offers all the bonuses. This costs $329.99 (Save $119.96) + includes FREE Global Shipping Plus Bonus Gifts Worth Over $225.00.
- Gold Package (6 Months’ Supply) – offering six months of VigRX Plus supply at a cost of $384.99 (Save $154.85). This package includes FREE Global Shipping Plus Bonus Gifts Worth Over $225.00
- Platinum Package (12 Months’ Supply) – the ultimate set for VigRX Plus package comes at a cost of $489.99 (Save $589.89) for a ONE YEAR SUPPLY including FREE Global Shipping and bonus gifts.
I highly recommend this product, the price is relatively high but connoting that the VigRX Plus results are guaranteed, it’s worth it.
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#3: Max Performer
Max Performer is a male enhancement supplement manufactured by SILVER BLADE NUTRITION LIMITED – a company based in London.
It’s the only supplement they manufacture and therefore, the company has put a lot of efforts into their product.
According to the official manufacturer, Max Performer has the potential to raise testosterone levels, increase your stamina, enable you to sustain strong erections, improve sexual endurance and improve overall sexual satisfaction.
The supplement is purely made of 100% natural ingredients such as Cordyceps, Mace Root, and Horny Goat Weed.
A recent study shows that maca root (Max Performer ingredient) is a great antioxidant that reduces the amount of blood sugar, cholesterol, and trigycerides, simplifying efficient blood flow in the body.
In addition, the supplement plays a crucial role in increasing the amount of free testosterone in the bloodstream, thereby increasing your strength and stamina.
Max Performer Ingredients
If you really want to understand how a male enhancer works, the key is always set on its potent and active ingredients combination.
More importantly, checking whether the makers were dedicated in their formula formation to include most if not all the ingredients are known to improve sexual performance.
Below is a list of Max Performer ingredient that works to boost your overall sexual performance and health.
- Horny Goats Weed
- Maca
- Red Korean Ginseng
- Cordyceps
- Bioperine
- Selenium
- Zinc
These scientifically-backed ingredients intend to deliver all their claims in a potent punch. Moreover, its natural ingredients help to aid optimum male sexual health.
After taking it you’ll experience a really powerful need to have sexual intercourse as soon as you get to bed with your partner; you’re surely going to experience intense climaxes which are determined.
Manufacturer’s Claims
- Increase Your Self Confidence
- Larger Erections + Improved Performance
- Boost Your Sexual Desire
- More fulfilling sex-life with Supercharged Sexual Stamina
- Sexually Satisfy Your Lover
- Made of 100% natural ingredients – contains Horny Goats Weed, proven to work alike to the latest synthetic pill often recommended by doctors.
- Clinical trials have proven the formula to be safe with no side effects.
- Stimulates the body to produce free testosterone naturally.
- Combines many approaches to target the entire body, from sperm production to stress management.
- Offers free worldwide shipping
- Gives you incredible deals
- The website offers a 100-day money-back guarantee.
- It’s a daily supplement, meaning you have to take the supplement every day.
- You can only get it through their official website.
How to Take Max Performer?
All the Max Performer packages contain 60 capsules, aimed to last you a month.
Therefore to experience, the positive effects of this male enhancement supplement take two capsules every day, with a full glass of water.
Soon you’ll notice a difference in the strength and endurance of your penis. Further, it is recommended to take the pills every day for three months to get the maximum effects.
Max Performer is actually designed to work as long as you take it.
Take a 1-2 week break in every 3-4 months, otherwise, the body may develop counterproductive resistances.
Where Can You Find Max Performer?
Max Performer is not found on Amazon, GNC or any other retail store, you can only purchase it directly from the manufacturer`s official website –
This to drop the long supply chain in addition to reduce the risks of getting the supplement being faked.
A box of Max performer (1 MONTH SUPPLY) costs $69. You will avail discounts with bulk order.
Max Performer Price
The makers of Max Performer offer this product in 3 different packages:
- 1 Month Supply (costs $69) – With this package, you’ll get 1 box of Max Performer which lasts for 30 days.
- 3 Months’ Supply (costs $138) – It offers 3 boxes of Max Performer and which lasts for 90 days. (Save $69)
- 6 Months’ Supply (costs $200) – In this package you’ll get 6 boxes of Max Performer and this lasts for 180 days. (Save $214)
All packages come with free worldwide shipping and 100 Day Money Back Guarantee
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#4: Prosolution Plus
Prosolution Plus is the fourth of the top 5 male enhancement pills that work permanently. This is also one of the most popular male enhancement pills on the market, manufactured by a USA based company known as Leading Edge Health.
The users can easily get permanent result with the help of this product.
The ingredients used in this male enhancer are clinically proven and science-backed to be effective in enhancing libido and sex drive, improving endurance, curbing erectile dysfunction, and enhancing overall sexual satisfaction.
The company behind Prosolution Plus has a reputation for manufacturing quality male enlargement pills that meet international standards.
This product has been aiding men’s sexual problems and improve their sexual health for more than 10 years.
The main advantage of Prosolution Plus pills is that it expands your penile tissue thereby affecting your penis size – enlarge by one to four inches.
As a result, it increases your penis size both in length and girth.
The pill is formulated with pure natural ingredients and this it guarantees to have no adverse side effects that could be harmful to you.
Further, it uses different herbs as the ingredients that have been proved to increase stamina, sex drive in males, and prevent premature ejaculation.
Prosolution Plus Ingredients
The ProSolution Plus formula is an elixir of male virility, combining herbals, minerals, vitamins and nutrients used for over 4,000 years in the Ayurvedic tradition and ancient Chinese medicine
When it comes to male enhancers, all that matters are the ingredients. You need to make sure, you’re getting the right, efficient, and harmless mixture into your body.
So, let’s see what is inside the ProSolution pills:
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Withania Somnifera
- Asparagus Adscendens
- Mucuna Pruriens
- Asteracantha Longifolia
- Curculigo Orchioides
- Curculigo Orchioides
As you can see this natural male enhancement is all about the effectiveness and quality of the active ingredients that make up the formula.
ProSolution Plus supplies your body with a unique blend of nutritional and therapeutic herbal extracts, minerals and vitamins to invigorate your sexual and overall health.
Manufacturer’s Claims
- Produce A Better Erection
- Improve Orgasm Function
- Increase Attraction To Your Partner
- Boost Sexual Health
- Helps With Better Orgasm Control
- Reduce Stress And Performance Anxiety
- Increase your sexual pleasure
- Provides guaranteed results
- Improves one’s sex drive and libido
- Uses 100% natural ingredients
- Stops premature ejaculation
- Improve your control of ejaculation
- Increase orgasm intensity
- Allows the user to sustain bigger, harder erections
- May cause some allergic reactions to some users.
- Available only at ProSolution Plus Official Website.
How Should You Take ProSolution Plus?
This male enhancement product works best when taken with meals. You need to take two pills per day, one pill after breakfast and another pill after the evening meal.
After taking ProSolution Plus, you may experience results within 3-4 weeks. However, the best results you will see between 3-6 months.
To receive all the benefits, you must keep taking the supplement.
Note: If you’re having health issues or you’re under medication, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking this supplement.
Where Can You Get ProSolution Plus?
ProSolution Plus is available online exclusively at its Official Website. In order to get the genuine product at the most affordable prices, you should purchase this male enhancement pills via the manufacturer’s official website.
The product isn’t available on GNC, Amazon, Walmart, Walgreens or eBay. It is a much economical sexual enhancer to some of its alternatives! This product brings the best results when used for at least three months.
Most of the ingredients of this product were highly used in Chinese Traditional Medicine in order to promote male sexual performance and overall sexual health.
Moreover, they are clinically tested and backed up with scientific researches on their safety and effectiveness, that’s why I highly recommend it.
Prosolution Plus Price
Men who continue taking this supplement for at least 60 days will experience the best results and also will able to maintain the results.
This male enhancement supplement builds up in your system over time. It delivers best and fast results when you take the product on a regular basis.
Now take a look at different Prosolution Plus package price list:
- 1 Month Supply Costs $69.95 (Save $10.00)
- 2 Months Supply Costs $119.95 (Save $39.95)
- 3 Months Supply Costs $164.95 (Save $74.90) (Erection System Membership)
- 4 Months Supply Costs $209.95 (Save $109.85) (FREE Erection System Website Access)
- 5 Months Supply Costs $254.95 (Save $144.80) + Free Shipping (USA Only) (FREE Tube of ProSolution Gel + FREE Erection System Website Access)
- 6 Months Supply Costs $299.95 (Save $179.75) + Free Shipping (USA Only) (FREE Tube of ProSolution Gel + FREE Erection System Website Access)
- 12 Months Supply Costs $429.95 (Save $529.45) + Free Shipping (USA Only) (FREE Volume Pills Semen Enhancer + FREE Tube of ProSolution Gel + FREE Erection System Website Access)
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#5: Extenze
Extenze is the last of the top 5 male enhancement pills in 2019. This product is a unique blend of 100% natural and herbal ingredients that enhance a user’s sexual performance.
The components used in the product were carefully selected by the makers to ensure that Extenze results in making bigger, harder, long-lasting erections by increasing the blood flow to the penis.
Moreover, the product is safe for use as it has one hundred percent herbal, no synthetic chemicals.
It basically boosts the male sex drive. The key ingredients of this product are extremely important for male libido. The Extenze results are fast and effective.
Further, it can help men in various ways; maintaining an erection, improving the intensity of orgasms, and improving overall performance in the bedroom.
This small pill will provide you with the boosted sex drive and sexual pleasure that you have always wanted.
With Extenze male enlargement pills you can achieve strong and huge erections without using any painful methods like weights, stretchers or even surgery.
The pill is available from its Official Website without a prescription.
This popular male enhancer is manufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company named Leading Edge Health that is based in California. The makers have gone beyond and above FDA’s requirements in quality and standards.
Extenze Ingredients
A product is as reliable and efficient as its purely natural ingredients are.
Therefore, before you make your decision regarding the solution you’re going to use to fix your most embarrassing and annoying problem, don’t forget to carefully check the Extenze ingredients list.
Formulated with the natural and herbal ingredient that can be found, such as:
- Folate
- Zinc
- Ginger (root)
- Tribulus Terrestris (aerial part and fruit)
- Xanthroparmelia scarbrosa (aerial part)
- Black Pepper (seed)
- Pregnenolone (38-hydroxypregn-5-en-20-one)
- Piper Longum (seed)
- Yohimbe Extract (bark)
- Korean Ginseng Extract (root)
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid – GABA
- Velvet Deer Antler
- Horny Goat Weed (leaf)
- Damiana (leaf)
- Astragalus (root)
- Pumpkin (seed)
- Muira Puama Extract (stem)
- Stinging Nettle (root)
- L-Arginine Hydrochloride
- Hops (Strobile) Extract (blossom)
- Licorice Extract (root)
- Ho Shou Wu Extract (root)
- Boron (as Chelate)
Manufacturer’s Claims
- Bigger, harder, long-lasting erections.
- Increased endurance for longer-lasting sessions.
- Electrifying and massively intense and orgasms.
- A more reliable sexual response, you could feel like a teenager again!
- Extenze works fast compared to other male enhancement pills
- Clinical studies and scientific facts prove its work
- It uses natural herbs and ingredients
- Known for improving men’s sexual performance
- Offer a money-back guarantee
- Delivers Guaranteed results
- It improves one’s immunity
- Available only at Extenze Official Website
- Results may vary from one individual to another
- Quite expensive
How to take Extenze?
Extenze is available in both capsules and liquid form. Depending on your preference, you have to follow the manufacturer`s advice.
Generally, you need to take one bottle daily. If you prefer the capsules, experts claim that this product works best by taking 1 capsule per day.
Where Can You Get Extenze?
You can easily purchase this product online via their official website.
There are numerous positive reviews from different users of this product. After reviewing the ingredients, we believe it is one of the best male enhancement supplements there is on the market.
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Top 5 Male Enhancement Pills – Select The Best To Boost Sex Drive
These are top 5 male enhancement pills for those who want to increase penis size and improve the quality of their erections. Here the discussed each and every option is great. There’re only minimal differences between them which you easily observe in the comparison table below.
These sex pills for men are a great addition to boost their sexual performance and increase maximum penis size permanently naturally.
Take a look at the comparison table of 5 best male enhancement pills that work for libido, erection size, and performance.
Male Extra VS VigRX Plus VS Max Performer VS Pro Solution Plus VS ExtenZe
Free Trial
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Bigger, Harder More Frequent Erections
Good Quality Ingredients
Erect Penis Size Of Between 0.8 - 2.6 Inches
Pills Per Bottle: 60
Success Rate: 90%
Quality of Product: 86.8%
Doctors Approved
150,000+ Satisfied Customers
24/7 Customer Service
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free Worldwide Shippin
Overall Score 88.8%

Top Rated Male Enhancement Pills For Over 19 Years
100% Natural Ingredients
Clinically Proven Results
Pills Per Bottle : 60
Success Rate: 96.8%
Quality of Product:
Recommended By Dr Steven Lamm
Has Received Numerous Positive Reviews
Customer Service
67 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free Global Shipping On Purchases Of 3 Months Or More
Overall Score: 98.3%

Most Powerful And Advanced Male Enhancement Pill
100% Safe And Natural Blend Of Ingredients
Increase Erection Size And Strength
Pills Per Bottle : 60
Success Rate: 95.7%
Quality of Product:
Doctors approved
High Number Of Satisfied Users
24/7 Customer Service
100 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free Worldwide Shipping
Overall Score: 95.6%

Improve Erection Quality And Overall Sexual Function
Made From Natural Resources
Clinically Tested Results
Pills Per Bottle : 60
Success Rate: 86.5%
Quality of Product: 80.2%
Doctors approved
Positive Customer Reviews
24/7 Customer Service
67 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free Shipping On Purchases Of 5 Months Or More (USA Only)
Overall Score: 85%

The Powerful Formula With Bigger, Harder Erections
Top Quality Ingredients
Increases Endurance For Longer Lasting Sessions
30 Liquid Gel Capsules
Success Rate: 78%
Quality of Product: 75%
High Number Of Loyal Users
24/7 Customer Service
67 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free Global Shipping On 6 Month Orders!
Overall Score: 79%
So there you have it, top 5 male enhancement supplements. In summary, I’d say that VigRX Plus is the best penis enlargement product among the other sexual enhancement pills.
If you really want to boost your sex life and see long-lasting improvements, VigRX Plus is the one.
After that Max Performer and Male Extra lies on the 2nd and 3rd positive respectively. You can consider both male enhancement pills if you want to start by focusing on increasing your erection and overall sexual performance.
Max Performer Pills and Male Extra pills both have powerful formulas and guaranteed results.
By using these sex pills you can improve your erection strength, endurance and penetration ability.
Finally, Pro Solution and ExtenZe are another reliable choices. If you’re thinking about short-term then try these two products for results. Bigger size, stronger erections, and a lot more sexual pleasure.
Editor’s Choice
#1 VigRX Plus takes the number one spot among other male enhancement pills.
VigRX Plus a clinically proven penis enlargement pills which target both the psychological and physical aspects of performance issue.
It works to supercharge your libido and sexual desire, help you get better control over your erections and gives you a more frequent and intense orgasm. In short, it has all your sexual issues covered.
Male Enhancement Pills FAQ
#1: Do These Male Enhancement Supplements Really Work?
Absolutely YES! They are formulated using 100% natural, safe and proven ingredients that have been specially picked up for their ability to boost sperm count, testosterone level, strengthen your erections; intensify orgasms, increase blood flow and increase your all-night staying power.
All of the male enhancement supplement listed in this blog sustain each of their claims thanks to their extensive researches and case studies.
If you’re still uncertain about using these penis enlargement products though, I strongly recommend that you do your own research and see what you can discover. You will find it really works.
#2: Can Sex Pills For Men Increase Penis Size?
Yes! These male enhancement products help to increase a man’s penis permanently. Not only this, these supplements can help increase erection size, firmness, strength and libido during sexual intercourse. These sex pills are clinically proven and science-backed, thus it works wonders without causing any side effects.
#3: How Fast Can You Expect To See Results?
Results vary from person to person. Likewise, it also varies from pill to pill. However, you should start to see improvements to your stamina, erection strength and libido in up to 4-8 weeks.
NOTE: In most cases, the customers have reported an increase in their penis size in less than 2 months.
For tracking your satisfaction I suggest using their guarantees as a guideline. After all, your satisfaction is their utmost priority. They want to make customers happy. This is why they provide a money-back guarantee offer. The longer the guarantee, the more chance you’ve got of it working.
#4: Do These Male Enhancement Pills Have Side Effects?
Absolutely NOT!
These top 5 male enhancement pills contain only natural and safe ingredients.
After taking these pills you can experience the assurance that your body is safe from any kind of negative side effects. Instead, you can enjoy all of their benefits without having to worry about dealing with nausea, sprouting extra hairs, acne, etc.
ExtenZe is the only exception to this as few of its users have reported side effects.
My only suggestion for you is to make sure you stick to the recommended dosages of the product you are going to use. This is because too much of a good thing can eventually cause problems.
So follow the rules, stick to the plan for better results.
#5: Can You Buy These Sex Pills For Men In Stores Such As GNC, Walmart, etc.?
When it comes to the top 5 male enhancement pills – Male Extra, VigRX Plus, Max Performer, Pro Solution, and ExtenZe – no you can’t. Third-party seller does not sell these all products.
These are top leading brands and are only accessible from their official manufacturer site. Visit the official website to try these male enhancement products.
While male enhancement supplements may not be the answer for all your sexual issues but undeniably they are a viable alternative to penis enlargement and sexual health. Discreet and effective, the male enlargement pills are certainly a game-changer.
The key to having a positive experience with sex pills for men is to find the potent and most effective one. Once they’re in your hand, you’ll get what you want.
Just take the pills as instructed. Remember, a healthy penis is a happy one and a happy penis makes a man even happier.
Great collection of pills, I tried VigRX plus and that worked for me.