VigRX Plus Vs Prosolution Plus – Wondering which is better?
Detailed comparison of the top two most in-demand and frequently sold male enhancement pills i.e. VigRX Plus and Prosolution Plus.
There’s nothing more embarrassing than ejaculating way too quickly, not maintaining your erections, or having low sexual stamina.
Several solutions have been featured on the market as male enhancement pills. The more it grows, the more it tends to be difficult to pick up the right product that delivers actual benefits.
So how to know which one to choose? Well, let me help you!
This review is going to compare two top-rated male performance pills available today: VigRX Plus Vs Prosolution Plus.
Both of these supplements claim to help you get bigger and harder erections, improve sex drive and quality of your ejaculations.
Although they’re very similar in many aspects, there are a couple of things that make them different from one another.
During this VigRX Plus Vs Prosolution Plus comparison, I will tell you how they work, what they contain, and which one is best for you.
Visit VigRX Plus Official Website:
Visit ProSlution Plus Official Website:
When balancing both male enhancement pills side by side, you may notice some functions to be wary of.
The following table will help you understand the basic differences between these two pills which will help you decide which one would be a better choice for you.
VigRX Plus Vs Prosolution Plus
Price Per Bottle
Best Used For
Expected Results
Side Effects
Money-Back Guarantee
VigRX Plus

Leading Edge Health
• Enhances quality of erection
• Supercharge your libido
• More intense orgasms
• Better control over erections
• Increase overall sexual desire
• Improve sexual health and function
• Damiana
• Epimedium Leaf Extract
• Asian Red Ginseng
• Muira Pauma Bark Extract
• Hawthorn Berry
• Catuaba Bark Extract
• Saw Palmetto
• Ginkgo Biloba
• Bioperine
• Produces rock hard erections
• Improve sex drive and boost libido
• Boost blood circulation to the penis
• Enhanced sex stamina
• Increase penis length and girth
• Treat erectile dysfunction
• Powerful and intense orgasm
Results will build over a period of 30-60 days
1 pill twice a day
One box will last 30 days
[60 Tablets]
No Side Effects
Free Global Shipping On Purchases Of 3 Months Or More
[Discount offers for customers who buy in larger quantities]
ProSolution Plus

Leading Edge Health
• Helps with better orgasm control
• Produce a better erection
• Reduce performance anxiety & stress
• Reduce premature ejaculation
• Improve orgasm function
• Tribulus Terrestris
• Withania Somnifera
• Asparagus Adscendens
• Mucuna Pruriens
• Asteracantha Longifolia
• Curculigo Orchioides
• Asphaltum
• Reduce premature ejaculation
• Boost sex drive and sexual stamina
• Increase sexual vitality
• Helps improve erection quality
• Increase blood flow to the penis for longer erection
• Better control over ejaculations
Best results reached between 3-6 months
2 pills in a day.
One box last you for one full month.
[60 Tablets]
No Side Effects
Free Shipping Within the United States On Select Packages
[Offers discount on orders of 3 months or higher]
After going through this short VigRX Plus Vs ProSolution Plus, many of your doubts have been cleared.
But I know there are still so many questions popping into your mind like…
How VigRX Plus Works?
How ProSolution Plus Work?
So to answer these questions, I am going to evaluate these two supplements on the several distinct factors that include…
- About Product
- The Ingredients
- Benefits
- Results
- Side Effects & Dosages
- Price
In this VigRX Plus Vs Prosolution Plus review, I will help you pick the best-performing product.
So without further ado, let’s know about the product first.
What is VigRX Plus?
VigRX Plus is the best male enhancement pills developed for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
This is a sex pill for men that can help lead a healthy sex life without causing any side effects.
The product is developed and marketed by Leading Edge Health. VigRX Plus is made in cGMP approved facility and used by thousands of men around the world as a cure to erectile dysfunction.
It’s the only natural male enhancement pills that have been undergone through an independent clinical study [published in leading medical journals] named triple-blind study conducted by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD.
VigRX Plus has been clinically tested and proven to increase sexual desire, erection quality, and size.
The best part!
This male enhancement pill is recommended by leading medical doctors in the USA named Dr. Steven Lamm M.D. (Director of NYU Men’s Health Center).
VigRX Plus claims to:
- Supercharge your sexual desire and libido
- Increases quality of erections
- Offer more frequent and intense orgasm
- Give rock hard erections and better control over ejaculations
- Increase penis size
Really impressive!
According to VigRX Plus customer reviews, the supplement has helped the majority of users increase penis girth and achieve hard erections. You can check our Vigrx result pictures of a real user below.
VigRX Plus Before And After Result
Try VigRX Plus For BIGGER, HARDER, LONGER ERECTIONS, And Increased Sexual Stamina
What is ProSolution Plus?
ProSolution Plus is all-natural male enhancement pills and one of the best products for Premature Ejaculation.
This supplement is a blend of traditional Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
The main intention behind manufacturing such a product is to allow male users to have a more satisfying sex life without any worries!
The use of this premature ejaculation pills is endorsed by DR. DAVE DAVID (M.D. & SURGEON). It’s even recommended to users suffering with premature ejaculation.
In the present scenario, ProSolution Plus is one of the leading male enhancement supplements because it delivers real results.
This can be seen from the hundreds of ProSolution reviews online. This all-in-one natural formula includes a powerful blend of minerals, vitamins, herbals, and nutrients.
The formula was created to help men with sexual issues like premature ejaculation.
According to the Official Website, ProSolution Plus claims to…
- Reduce premature ejaculation
- Improve orgasm function
- Produce a rock-hard erection
- Reduce performance anxiety and stress
- Help with better orgasm control
- Increase your attraction towards your female partner
In particular, the product also addresses both psychological and physical factors that male sexual performance and desire.
You can check our Pro Solution Plus before and after pictures of a real user below.
Pro Solution Plus Plus Before And After Result
Just like VigRX Plus, ProSolution Plus was clinically tested through a two-month triple-blind study and the results were published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.
The study results confirmed that ProSolution Plus really works and helps men address specific sexual concerns like premature ejaculation and erection issues.
Improve Premature Ejaculation By Up To 64% And Transform Your Sex Life
VigRX Plus Vs ProSolution Plus: Benefits
VigRX Plus Benefits
The VigRX Plus formula is a complete male enhancement system and more than just a health supplement.
Let’s checkout what health benefits you’re going to expect with this product…
- Unlike other male enhancement pills, the product has been clinically studied through a triple-blind study (on guys aged 25 to 50) to give you more confidence in your purchase.
- The supplement increases your ability to keep or maintain an erection.
- Because of the ingredient Ginkgo Biloba, it can help you achieve rock-hard erections that stay longer.
- With the presence of Bioperine in VigRX Plus, your body will process up to 40% MORE of it resulting in a long term BOOST you need to regain your sexual stamina and prowess.
- In addition, the Asian Red Ginseng – the key ingredient in this product basically addresses erectile dysfunction.
- VigRX Plus works as an aphrodisiac that will improve your sexual desire and libido.
- This natural male virility supplement includes a series of potent testosterone boosters to improve sexual health and function.
- It also encourages better sleep, reduces fatigue, and eliminates nervousness, all of which enhance sexual function.
- Recommended By Dr. Steven Lamm (Best-selling author and the Director Of NYU’s Center For Men’s Health).
ProSolution Plus Benefits
There are several benefits that come from using ProSolution Plus pills. Here I am going to discuss a few of them!
#1: Clinically Tested
When you decide to buy some product whether it is a weight loss product or male enhancement pills, you want to find a product that is clinically proven.
And when you find it, how many of them are proven to give stronger erections and help with premature ejaculation?
Well, it’s quite difficult to find. But that’s not the case with ProSolution Plus.
The supplement has been specifically designed and created to help people with PE, improve erection quality and overall sexual function.
As said earlier, ProSolution Plus is a tested and proven product that…
- Improves erection quality by 67%
- Enhances sexual satisfaction by 78%
- Reduces premature ejaculation by 64%
- Improves overall sexual function by 48%
These ProSolution results are definitive proof that this supplement will deliver promising results not just for you, but even for your partner.
#2: Doctor’s Approved Supplement
Don’t just take our words that ProSolution is one of the best male potency formulae that delivers the goods.
We all know the fact that only a health expert can provide the reassurance that a product is well-tolerated and effective.
So the manufacturer behind this formula invited a few respected and well-known physicians to take a look.
Surprisingly, after studying the formula, they liked ProSolution Plus and they also recommended it to guys who want more frequency and enjoyment in their sexual encounters!
#3: The Brand Name
With over a track record of hundreds of thousands of happy and satisfied customers, ProSolution Plus – the male potency formula is a respected brand. The formula is not rocket science.
The company aimed to give men a natural supplement that delivered vitamins, high-quality herbals, and scientifically researched nutrients (All assembled in the United States).
And this is where the company succeeded. Today they offer #1 male potency formula with huge value, clinical proof, and guaranteed results.
Now it’s time to dive into the ingredients…
VigRX Plus Vs ProSolution Plus: Ingredients Comparison
In this section, I’ll analyze the key ingredients of both supplements. Here you’ll see how potent the ingredients are and whether the servings offer the best results.
This is a basic thing to look out for in this VigRX Plus Vs ProSolution Plus review because it means that you can see exactly what ingredients you’ll be consuming.
Both the products contain scientifically proven ingredients that illustrate both as a well-formulated and researched supplements.
So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the ingredient labels for both male enhancement pills and see how they stand up against each other.
VigRX Plus Ingredients
VigRX Plus is formulated with compounds that are clinically proven to be 100% safe for the user’s health.
Yes, you read that right!
There will be no side effects at all. Here’s the complete list of ingredients included in these male enhancement pills.
- Damiana
- Asian Red Ginseng
- Epimedium Leaf Extract
- Hawthorn Berry
- Muira Pauma Bark Extract
- Saw Palmetto
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Catuaba Bark Extract
- Bioperine
These all are natural and effective ingredients.
Clinically Tested VigRX Plus Ingredients That Work
Damiana – it promotes oxygen supply and increases blood flow and nerve impulses to your penis.
Asian Red Ginseng – This herb cures the impairment of erectile function and copes with low libido. As a result, the sexual desire grows and erections become firmer.
Epimedium Leaf Extract – Known as flavonoids that contain antioxidant properties. In addition, the extract is actually acquired from the Epimedium leaves that have very much similar effects as Viagra.
Hawthorn Berry – Contains vital properties to contribute to your improved sexual health. In addition, it also helps stimulate blood flow to the penis and helps keep and maintain erections.
Muira Pauma Bark Extract – Known as erection root. Helps men experience stronger orgasms and longer-lasting erections.
Saw Palmetto – Well known for curing prostate diseases and urinary system diseases plus it also improves men’s overall health. This ingredient also has sex-enhancing properties and the ability to restore the hormonal balance in the body.
Ginkgo Biloba – promotes the improvement of peripheral blood flow and the elevation of blood oxygen levels. The more the blood is delivered to genitals, the stronger erection you’ll get.
Catuaba Bark Extract – Helps increase sexual desire and appetite. This constituent also contains 3 alkaloids called “catuabine A, B and C” that are proven to work within the nervous system to encourage better sleep, reduce fatigue, and eliminate nervousness, all of which enhance sexual function.
Bioperine – This ingredient helps absorb vital minerals and nutrients more efficiently. By adding Bioperine to VigRX Plus’s powerful blend of sexually enhancing compounds and herbs, your body will process up to 40% MORE of it, resulting in long term Boost you need to regain your sexual stamina and prowess.
All of these VigRX Plus ingredients were carefully chosen and researched among the best from nature.
Try VigRX Plus To Increase Your Orgasmic Power And Improve Bedroom Performance
ProSolution Plus Ingredients
The ProSolution Plus male potency formula is an ultimate solution for male virility. In the Ayurvedic tradition, the vitamins, herbals, nutrients and minerals used in this product have been used in ancient Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years.
According to one study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, the ProSolution Plus powerful formula has helped men boost sex drive and increase bedroom performance.
Here’s the list of some of its potent ingredients…
- Withania Somnifera
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Mucuna Pruriens
- Asparagus Adscendens
- Curculigo Orchioides
- Asteracantha Longifolia
- Asphaltum
Despite being created by the same company, ProSolution Plus pills have a completely different set of formulation as compared to VigRX Plus.
Take a look at these ProSolution Plus formulas in detail…
Withania Somnifera – According to a 2003 Italian study, this ingredient helps boost nitric oxide production, which helps relax the corpora cavernosum, increasing blood flow to the genital area for bigger, longer erection
Tribulus Terrestris – It’s basically a traditional Chinese herb used as an aphrodisiac. A number of studies reveal that this constituent helps relax the corpora cavernosum. In addition, it also showed a significant increase in intracavernous pressure thereby helping guys with erection issues.
Mucuna Pruriens – Researches states that this tropical legume contains L-DOPA (a precursor to the neurotransmitter l-dopamine). It’s clinically proven to increase sexual activity and erection frequency.
Asparagus Adscendens – There’s numerous evidence that is pointing to an inhibitory effect on proinflammatory cytokines, this ProSolution Plus ingredient provides natural relief for inflammatory and stressful conditions.
Curculigo Orchioides – The rhizomes of curculigo orchioides are associated with amplified sexual performance, frequency, and greater erection quality. This constituent is also known to overcome hesitation to engage in sexual activity.
Asteracantha Longifolia – According to the studies Asteracantha Longifolia significantly increases attraction to female sexual partners. In the clinical study of ProSolution Plus, it has shown that the supplement has helped men achieve more powerful and frequent orgasms and better control over ejaculations.
Asphaltum – Also known as shilajit, the particular ingredient is a mineral wax formulated with medicinal properties highly appreciated in Ayurveda as a natural remedy for premature ejaculation and sexual dysfunction. Asphaltum is rich in antioxidants and is believed to encourage the release of cytokines by activated immunologic cells.
Enjoy Better Sex Performance And Get Natural Satisfaction With ProSolution Plus
All of these ProSolution Plus ingredients listed above are manufactured under cGMP-compliant facilities in the United States and are ideally dosed.
Bottom Line:
The ingredients used in ProSolution Plus are backed by scientific studies and recent research. However, the VigRX Plus ingredients are still the same as its predecessor, VigRX. The formulas used in VigRX Plus are mostly backed by traditional medicine and old researches.
Final Verdict
After going through the whole comparison, one thing is clear for sure that both VigRX Plus and ProSolution Plus working is almost the same. However, there’s a slight difference….and what’s that?
- VigRX Plus mainly works on erection quality, libido, and sexual desire. This product is the best solution to treat erectile dysfunction.
- On the other hand, ProSolution Plus actually works to reduce premature ejaculation. In addition, it improves erection quality, sexual function, and overall sexual satisfaction. This is the reason ProSolution Plus justifies the higher price.
Both the male enhancement supplements are effective and deliver the best results. Nevertheless, none of the products will be helpful, if you buy it from third-party stores instead of their respective Official Websites.
All in all, if you are looking for a solution to reduce premature ejaculation, then ProSolution Plus is your best choice. However, if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, then you can go with VigRX Plus.
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