Aphrodisiac Foods For Libido

Ever wondered what made natural supplements promise great fruits of sexual health?

Well, what else that the ingredients list?

One such ingredient famous among many supplements promising sexual benefits is the Aphrodisiac.

Known for their ancient medical history of immense sexual power and overall health benefits, aphrodisiacs are the new buzz in the town.

But do aphrodisiacs work?

Does Aphrodisiac Improve Sex Drive?

With many such questions, the mystery behind this new famous entry into the supplement industry remains undercover.

Not anymore! As we bring you a complete review of the properties, safety, and effectivity of these ingredients.

As a bonus, we also tell you, if all the aphrodisiacs you come across are worth trusting, or if you should stick only to half the population.


What is Aphrodisiac – Are They Worth Trying?

Derived from the name of the Greek Goddess of Love Aphrodite, Aphrodisiacs are nothing less than love herbs.

Popularised by Chinese medications for their efficiency in numerous sexual health benefits, Aphrodisiacs are high in demand these days.

Though they are nothing extravagant and just foods or extracts from any natural substance they do boast of benefits like:

  • Improved sexual pleasure
  • Higher sex drive
  • Firmer erections
  • Improved satisfaction and much more

Based on these benefits, they are broadly categorized into three categories:

  • Substances that improve libido – the foods or natural extracts that work by increasing the blood flow in your body to improve libido and erections.
  • Those that enhance potency – are the ones that act on your hormonal and neuronal levels to improve sexual fitness.
  • The ones acting on sexual pleasure – the ones with the placebo effects create a view of extreme sexual satisfaction.

While their mode of action is still a fascinating topic for most researchers, experts have their hypotheses of how these aphrodisiacs work.

But do the substances work?


Do Aphrodisiacs Actually Work?

Do Aphrodisiacs Work

Though there aren’t many studies that combine many different aphrodisiacs to finally state if they work, a review confirms that yes aphrodisiacs might work.

This review was conducted to test the safety and efficiency of many aphrodisiac products sold through the US markets.

For this, they review many original articles studying the different effects of aphrodisiacs on the body, to publish their results:

  • Not all but a few aphrodisiacs work for improving sexual functions in humans, like the maca, Tribulus, Gingko, and Ginseng.
  • There also exist certain aphrodisiacs that work but have a higher proportion of side effects like Spanish fly.


Hence this review pointed toward two major factors:

  • Aphrodisiacs can cause side effects.
  • People should not trust all aphrodisiacs

Thus, focusing on the findings of the review, we went through many foods promising aphrodisiac properties to finally list down the top 10 ones.


Top 10 Aphrodisiac Foods For Libido

When looking out for the best aphrodisiac foods for libido, you might bump into many names.

But despite promising incredible results and benefits, not all of these names suggest a healthy sexual boost result.

There are many such Aphrodisiac Foods For Males, which carry side effects that can overweight their benefits.

Aphrodisiac Foods For Males

Hence, when picking up such a sexual-boosting food always make sure to:

  • Check for the nutrient profile of the food
  • Its effects on your body and functioning

Based on both these factors, we found the following top 10 aphrodisiac foods for libido which are not just healthy but also backed by science.


#1. Nuts

Nuts are known as nutrient-dense foods and have the potential to improve your overall health which contributes to your sexual health too.

But what’s so specific about them that makes them one of the best Aphrodisiac Foods For Males?

Nuts like walnuts, pistachio, and other nuts are rich in L-arginine which increases nitric oxide levels in your body.

Since the increase in nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels, improves blood circulation, it supports healthy erections.

In fact, according to studies, pistachios can help you gain firmer erections, as it did in males who consumed 100 grams of pistachio per day for 3 weeks.

However, more studies are needed to confirm the results.


#2. Maca: Aphrodisiac Foods

According to a double-blind clinical trial conducted on 50 men affected by erectile dysfunction, treatment with 2400 mg of Maca for 12 weeks resulted in:

  • Improvement in physical performance
  • Increase in the international index of erectile function score

Many other studies too showed significant sexual health benefits of maca, the most specific benefits were in boosting libido and erectile function.

One study also suggests the sweet root vegetable is effective in combating the anti-depressants-induced loss of libido.

Although most of the studies mark 1.5 – 3.5 grams of Maca as a healthy dosage for significant results, we still need more studies.

Yet, it can be seen that taking healthy doses of Maca can help you beat your sexual dysfunctions.


#3. Tribulus Terrestris

The herb most popularly advertised as the best aphrodisiac food for libido by supplements is none other than Tribulus Terrestris.

Most natural testosterone boosters and male enhancers pick this exotic herb for its sex-boosting properties.

Though there are studies that claim the herb boosts testosterone in animals, there isn’t such strong evidence that supports the same effect in humans.

In the case of humans, very few studies have been conducted that highlight its efficiency in boosting libido and sexual functioning.

For example, one such study conducted for two months showed that daily consumption of 750-1500 mg of the extract improved sexual desire by 79%.

Hence for libido, the extract can be a beneficial pick. For best results with Tribulus, always stick to a healthy dosage, which is not exceeding 1500 mg a day through supplements or in form of teas.


#4.  Gingko Biloba: Aphrodisiac Foods

The Gingko leaves are popularly used in many health conditions, but earlier in ancient times, people used it as a treatment for poor sexual function too.

Its main action in the body that works in favor of sexual health, is its ability to dilate the blood vessels for improved blood flow.

Although mixed results are coming from scientific studies conducted on its efficiency, most of the studies show it helps improve libido.

However, what experts are concerned about is the right usage of the extract as raw seeds or raw leaves are capable of causing poisonous effects on your body.

Thus we suggest using Gingko Biloba leaves in the form of oral tablets, capsules, or tea in case you want to use it as a libido booster.


#5. Red Ginseng

Yet another popular pick of many natural testosterone booster manufacturers is the red ginseng known for its amazing sexual enhancing properties.

According to several studies, Red ginseng has turned out to be an effective way of improving libido and other sexual functions as compared to a placebo.

Many studies also highlight some other benefits of taking Red Ginseng for your sexual health:

  • Can be an effective way of reducing ed symptoms
  • Improves sexual desire post menopause

But despite these positive results coming from just 1.8-3 grams of Ginseng a day, studies also suggest some of its drug interactions.

For example, red ginseng can actively interfere with blood thinning medications and can show side effects.

Hence, it is best to not use it when you are on any such medications.

Since overdosing or not using it right can also cause minor side effects, always stick to the healthy dosage and use it as:

  • Low steamed softened roots
  • In the form of tea


#6. Fenugreek: Aphrodisiac Foods

The fenugreek seeds are a positive way of not just improving your libido but also polishing your other sexual functions.

They are fuelled by the numerous active compounds present in it that stimulate the release of more androgenic hormones, like Testosterone.

This according to studies, help them yield many sexual benefits like:

  • Improved orgasms
  • Higher sexual arousal
  • Increase in sex drive

But just like ginseng, fenugreek too can interfere with the working mechanism of blood thinning medications.

Thus, if you are on any such medications, you must consult your doctor before adding fenugreek in any form to your diet.


#7. Bananas

As we read above foods looking like certain sexual organs often turn out to be an aphrodisiac, and bananas come out to be the right example.

Bananas help your sexual functioning by replenishing your body with enough potassium that prevents muscle spasms during the main action.

It even fuels you with extra energy and endurance that doesn’t let you feel tired and helps you keep going.

Other than the sexual benefits, bananas can also regulate other healthy functions of your body, ensuring overall wellness.


#8. Ginger: Aphrodisiac Foods

Though there isn’t a promising scientific study that confirms the effects of ginger on sexual health, experts love ginger for numerous reasons.

The most important reason why experts might suggest adding ginger to your diet chart is because of its direct action on improving blood flow.

Improving blood flow increases the transportation of blood and nutrients to different areas of your body including the penile area.

Hence, it can give you benefits like:

  • Better sexual arousal
  • More endurance in bed
  • Stronger erections


#9. Epimedium

Epimedium also known as the horny goat weed because of its amazing sexual health benefits is a popular pick for people looking for sexual aid.

It has been commonly used in many supplements that promise a natural boost to your sexual health.

Although some animal studies suggest that it increases testosterone and thus libido, there hasn’t been much clinical research on humans.

But according to experts, Epimedium has an active compound called icariin which helps men gain strong erections.

Since it does not carry any major side effects too, adding it to your list of top aphrodisiac foods, could be a good investment.


#10. Chocolates: Aphrodisiac Foods

Dark chocolate is considered an amazing Aphrodisiac For Men because of its rich composition that aids in overall sexual health.

It contains chemicals called phenylethylamine and serotonin that activate the areas of the brain responsible for controlling emotions and making your mood pleasant.

But if we talk about its aphrodisiac effect, it doesn’t work for direct sexual stimulation or improve blood flow.

Rather, it works by activating your sensual pleasures which you feel because of its smooth creamy texture.

Hence adding chocolate to your pre-sex routine can be a great way of activating your sexual arousal.


Conclusion – Aphrodisiac Foods For Libido

Aphrodisiacs are foods or substances that activate your sexual power and help you improve your sexual functions.

But do all aphrodisiacs follow the same working mechanism?

Not exactly, there could be different types of aphrodisiacs that work differently for yielding sexual benefits.

For example, one could boost libido, the other could enhance erections and some aphrodisiacs can enhance your sensual stimulation.

Hence, choosing the right aphrodisiac depends on your goal of adding it to your routine.

Also, when using an aphrodisiac, people should be very conscious of using the right food, with the right properties and right nutrients.

There are many cases where people don’t exactly know what their aphrodisiac food does for the body, and end up encountering side effects.




  1. What Is The Strongest Aphrodisiac?

According to studies, the strongest aphrodisiac discovered till now is red ginseng.

Red Ginseng helps improve your sexual functioning and fertility by acting on the neuronal and hormonal systems.

Yet the most popular effects of red ginseng are its effects on boosting erections, improving libido, and enhancing performance.


  1. What do aphrodisiacs do?

Aphrodisiac is a substance that works through different mechanisms in your body to:

  • Increase your sexual libido
  • Pleasure
  • And performance

They do so by, either acting on your body psychologically or physiologically.

For example, some aphrodisiacs can hallucinate you into a higher sexual desire and libido, while others could relax your smooth muscles for better blood circulation.

Hence the action of aphrodisiacs on your body depends on the type and category of aphrodisiac you go for.


  1. Do Aphrodisiacs Work On Everyone?

Yes, aphrodisiacs can work for everyone, but that depends on the type of aphrodisiac you are considering here as many aphrodisiacs have zero effects.

Some also have psychological or the placebo effect where it does nothing but think that the herbs are working eventually leading to good results.


  1. How Long Do Aphrodisiacs Take To Work?

There isn’t any specific time frame for the aphrodisiacs to work, they can take two months to show results or even longer depending on your psychological and physiological status.


  1. What Happens If You Take Too Many Aphrodisiacs?

Using too much of aphrodisiacs can be a bad option for your health as its side effects include:

  • Infertility post a chronic usage
  • Allergic reactions like irregular heartbeat
  • Swelling on face and lips
  • Interaction with medications


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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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