Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

Diet and lifestyle can have a great impact on your erectile dysfunction as reported by a study.

Tackle down all your sexual problems with us as we bring you the top foods that can improve erectile dysfunction.

Yes, just like all the other therapies for ED like surgeries, chemicals, and even herbal remedies, some superfoods can help you cure ED naturally.

While erectile dysfunction is mainly caused by emotional and physical factors, eventually it comes down to:

  • Poor blood flow
  • Less nitric oxide in blood levels

That’s where you can diet come in and play a massive role in molding your sexual health.

On other hand, there can also be foods in your diet that are aggravating your conditions!

Hence in today’s natural solution to ED, we bring you two vital guides for curing the symptoms.


What are the best foods for erectile dysfunction?

Many pieces of research find special foods effective in relieving the symptoms of ed.

Though there aren’t any foods that cure erectile dysfunction without medications, yes these foods do amplify the process of treatment.

Adding the following foods to your diet can not just improve your erections making them better, harder, and stronger but also aid in many more sexual benefits.


#1. Dark Chocolate


According to the researcher’s cocoa, the plant source of chocolate has rich amounts of flavonoids which act as antioxidants.

The role of flavonoids in preventing erectile dysfunction came to notice under the study conducted back in 2018.

The study showed that men aged 18 to 40 showed 33% fewer chances of developing ED on consuming just 55 mg of cocoa daily.

However, there are many forms of flavonoids, and the ones that are active for ED are only found in:

  • Chocolates
  • Nuts and grains
  • Tea
  • Wine

The mechanism of action of flavonoids for your ed is improving the blood flow and rising the nitric oxide levels in your blood.

These two pathways contribute to better erections.


#2. Nuts like Pistachio

Nuts like Pistachio

Unlike cocoa, pistachios aren’t the preventive food for ed, rather they show improvements in the symptoms.

A study conducted in 2011 saw 17 males suffering from ed from the past year showing improvements in just three weeks of consuming 100 grams of pistachio daily.

These improvements were:

  • Better erections
  • Good cholesterol levels
  • Healthier blood pressure

The main function of pistachios in your body for ed are increasing blood flow and nitric oxide too as they are popular antioxidants.


#3. Watermelons


The popular fruits for erectile dysfunction as stated by many health experts are the ones that are loaded with lycopene.

And what can beat watermelons in lycopene content!

Though there aren’t any human studies that prove watermelon’s efficacy in ed, there is an animal model:

According to a study from 2012, rats showing erectile dysfunction and diabetes showed improvements with lycopene-rich fruits.

Some other good sources of lycopene include:

  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapefruits

What makes us recommend watermelons, are the good amounts of citrulline that it contains.

Citrlluine is an active compound that can dilate your blood vessels improving circulation to your penis.

Studies also found citrulline showing good benefits when combined with Viagra.


#4. Caffeine – Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


According to studies, it was found that people who tool-less caffeine were more prone to erectile dysfunction than people who had good intake.

For example, one such research from 2015 observed over 3000 men find a link between caffeine and ED concluding the above.

However, there are also contrasting opinions as one recent study wasn’t able to establish any such prominent link.


#5. Oysters and shellfishes

Oysters and shellfishes

If you have ever scrolled through natural options for testosterone boost or curing ed, you must have found zinc releasing ingredients.

Well, zinc is a mineral having an evident role in the release of male hormones testosterone.

Many studies also find zinc-deficient men have low testosterone levels.

Since declining testosterone too could be responsible for your ED, having good sources of zinc in your diet become essential.

Oysters and shellfishes here are the perfect choices for getting a good bonanza of zinc.

Also, raw shellfish contains many compounds that stimulate the release of male sex hormones.


#6. Turkey and chicken

Turkey and chicken

Turkey and chicken are the two of the most searched foods for erectile dysfunction.

Adding these two to your diet can help improve the symptoms of ed faster than usual as they contain arginine.

Arginine is an active compound that increases nitric oxide in your blood hence improving blood circulation to every part of your body.

In fact, according to a study conducted in 2019 arginine was found effective in curing mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.

Though chicken and turkey are considered best for arginine, you can also try out some other sources like:

  • Peanuts
  • Soybeans


#7. Spinach, celery – Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

Spinach celery

Time for some greenies!

Green leafy vegetables contain many phytochemicals that can help improve erectile dysfunction and also many other health benefits.

But one of the key functions that it plays in boosting the nitric oxide levels in your blood helps in dilating the blood vessels.

This improves your erections.


#8. Blueberries and oranges

Blueberries and oranges

Blueberries, oranges, and other citrus fruits contain flavonoids that can reduce the risk of ed by almost 11%.

Researchers find flavonoids effective in improving the blood vessels by dilating and relaxing your blood vessels.

As a bonus, men who are active and have a diet rich in flavonoid-containing fruits can prevent ED by almost 21 percent.


#9. Legumes and Whole Grains

Legumes and Whole Grains

Mediterranean diet sees a good usage of legumes and whole grains. While it works well for the heart, experts believe it to be good food for erectile dysfunction treatment.

This is because of the high rising cases of erectile dysfunction caused by heart problems.

Cardiovascular issues can cause blockage in the blood supply leading to poor erections and penile health.

Though there isn’t a clear link between why the Mediterranean diet can be beneficial for ED but researchers do explain that combining fibers and anti-oxidants:

  • Has anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Promotes good blood flow

Hence enriching your diet with the goodness of legumes and whole grains cannot just give you good heart health but also prevent ED.


#10. Peppers and Peaches  – Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

Peppers and Peaches

Research suggests that vitamin C takes good care of your sperm.

One such study was conducted observing 75 chronic smoking men with poor semen quality.

They were divided into three groups where one group took 200 mg of Vitamin C and another group 1000 mg, while the last one was on placebo.

In just 4 weeks, the first group with 200 mg dosage showed improvement in semen quality by 15%.

The second group with 1000 mg dosage had better results with 40% improvements.

However, health experts recommend not going above the 200 mg mark for Vitamin C.

Though the participants here had used Vitamin C supplements, adding vitamin C-rich fruits and food can do the job well.

Some good sources of Vitamin C are:

  • Yellow peppers
  • Peaches
  • Spinach

Since there exist some amazing foods for ed dysfunction, there are also foods that can aggravate the condition worsening the symptoms.

It is best to avoid such foods to help the treatment show faster results.


What foods to avoid for erectile dysfunction?

While there are natural foods that can fasten up the erectile dysfunction treatment relieving the side effects and even yield better results.

There are some of the foods to avoid for erectile dysfunction too:


#1. Sugars

A high intake of sugar can cause several health issues like cardiovascular impairment leading to clogging of arteries.

This could aggravate your erectile dysfunction by further reducing the blood flow to your penis.

While natural sugars usually don’t hamper your health but artificial sweeteners or highly sweetened packaged food contain many compounds that interfere with your metabolism.


#2. Refined carbohydrates

According to researchers consuming complex carbohydrates is far healthier than going for simple carbs.

While refined carbs increase the probability of slower treatment results of ED, complex carbs give you essential energy.

These carbs are higher in protein and fiber content hence ensuring good health.


#3. Limit intake of red and processed meat

Red meat and processed meat have been linked with many health issues and ed is the newest to the list.

This too is because of the risk of heart problems that arise with a high intake of red meat.

Instead, you can go for more veggies and fruits.


#4. Canned soup

Canned soups and veggies are extremely popular in households because of the ease of cooking.

But they contain high amounts of sodium that can increase your blood pressure and reduce the blood flow to your penile area.


#5. Farmed fishes

While the wild fishes are healthy for your body, the farmed fishes bought from stores can contain as much as 13 toxins.

These toxins are not good for your health and also pose a risk of aggravating your erectile dysfunction.

Hence whenever shopping for fish out in-store look for the mark of farm-raised or wild fishes.


#6. Excess dairy products

Now, this might surprise you but some the dairy products like cheese contain high amounts of saturated fats.

These saturated fats can increase the level of bad cholesterol in your body causing heart issues that further aggravate your erectile dysfunction.

Other than diet, lifestyle has an important role in your treatment of ED, thus make sure you jot down some keynotes from below.


Lifestyle Changes for Erectile Dysfunction

One of the best ways to manage your erectile dysfunction is bringing positive changes in your lifestyle by:

  • Exercising regularly to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy penis!
  • Take a balanced diet by adding up some foods rich with properties to fasten up your ed cure
  • Limit your alcohol intake and tobacco consumption as they have the properties of reducing blood flow to various parts of your body including your penis.
  • Spend more time with your partner and work upon your relationship as sometimes emotional damage can also be a possible reason for ED.
  • Manage healthy weight to prevent any health disorders that can cause erectile dysfunction
  • Herbal supplements can also be used to balance your hormones in case there is testosterone-induced erectile dysfunction.
  • Prefer going for the Mediterranean diet over the western diet as the latter has shown a higher risk of erectile dysfunction among men.



Treating erectile dysfunction is not just limited to your medications and surgery as researchers also believe that there are foods that help with ed.

However, the best food for erectile dysfunction is defined as the food that helps restore and improve blood circulation.

It doesn’t refer to foods that increase the size or girth of your penis.

These natural foods help fasten the pace of your treatment and help relieve the symptoms faster.

In no case do they promise you a complete cure with no medications or surgery?

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition and hence requires proper medical care and support.

Managing life with ed can only be made easier with the help of foods and lifestyle changes.




  1. How to increase blood flow to pennis naturally?

Some of the best ways with which you can naturally boost up blood flow to your penile area are:

  • Healthy eating
  • Good weight management
  • Regular exercises
  • Reducing alcohol and smoking
  • Stress management
  • Natural supplements


  1. What can I drink for erectile dysfunction?

The best drink for erectile dysfunction is a glass of beet juice.

It works the best for cardiovascular diseases induced by ED like high blood pressure.

Beetroot contains cyclic guanosine monophosphate that relaxes arteries and increases blood flow to the penis.


  1. Are bananas good for erectile dysfunction?

Bananas are good sources of flavonoids and potassium.

The flavonoids act as anti-oxidants and increase blood circulation through the body.

Studies show that eating three flavonoid-rich foods a week reduces your chances of developing ED by 10%.


  1. What is the best vitamin for erectile dysfunction?

Many vitamins like Vitamin C can be helpful in erectile dysfunction but the best vitamin is Vitamin D.

Experts say that good levels of Vitamin D in your body help produce more sex hormones.


  1. What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction?

Here are the fast working ways to cure ed:

  • Lifestyle changes – if your ED is because of being overweight
  • Stress management and counseling – if your ED is because of too much stress or problems in the relationship
  • Medications – prescribed by the doctors
  • Vacuum pumps – there are many penis enhancement pumps available in the market that help relieve the symptoms.
  • Surgery – usually the last option for treatment is surgery


  1. Does Zinc make you harder?

According to a prominent study, zinc has a positive effect on libido and erections.


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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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