Healthy Sex Habits

Sex is the most important element in any relationship or marriage.

Healthy sex habits and good sex life play an important role in a long-term relationship.

Your sense of intimacy and happiness is somewhere related to your sex life with your partner.

It is not only important for a physical bond, but also an emotional bond.

Research has proven that we all think of sex at least 20 times a day.

However, when it comes to having sex, it happens at the end of the day.

Yes, most people tend to have sex after a long working day, when they are too tired or worked up.

Resultingly, this leads to a non-interesting and boring sex life.

You cannot be creative or enjoying while having sex if you’re tired. A lot of the sex factors get affected due to this.

Moreover, many more surprising things can affect your sex life.

From eating specific food to practical habits, many things can hamper your intimacy.

In your everyday life, there are a lot of things that you’d be doing wrongly.

Many of such things can lead to a weaker or less-enjoyable sex life. Most people don’t know about these habits.

Therefore, we introduced 13 everyday habits that can affect your sexual life, in this article.

Keep on reading to stay tuned into all the information.


13 Toxic Habits That Can Ruin Your Sex Life

It is surprising how our daily habits affect our sexual performance.

They can include diet, work life, physical exertion, and much more.

This section focuses on such habits that can harm your sexual performance.

Habits That Can Affect Your Sex Life


  1. Skipping foreplay during sex

It is scientifically backed, foreplay is the key to orgasms, especially among women.

Achieving orgasm is the core accomplishment of good and healthy sex.

Sexual performance can be directly analyzed by the orgasms achieved.

Furthermore, many women do not experience orgasm through penetrative sex.

In such cases, foreplay is an important activity.

Also, foreplay is not just for arousal. It plays a major role in physical as well as emotional preparation for sex.

There are many activities included in foreplay. Some of them are kissing, hugging, caressing, and cuddling.

Sensitive areas of the body are gently caressed or played with, during foreplay.

These sensitive areas are mostly the genitals, inner thighs, waist, back of the ear, etc.

However, some people choose to go on for sex without much foreplay.

This can cause dryness or irritation in the sex organs sometimes.

Due to this, the sexual experience can be badly affected and made less enjoyable.


  1. Drinking caffeine in excess

Though caffeine indeed helps to increase the energy levels of the body.

It is also a well-known fact that it can boost your libido.

Studies suggest that caffeine can boost your sex drive and overall performance.

Also, in many cases, caffeine is even used for treating erectile dysfunction.

However, too much of anything is always harmful. The same is the case with caffeine in excess.

Drinking too much caffeine can alter your hormonal levels.

This can cause them to fluctuate and mess with your sex drive. Instead of boosting it, it might end up decreasing it.

Moreover, caffeine unknowingly produces more stress hormones in the body.

This results in weaker libido.

Hence, it is not wrong to say that excessive caffeine hampers your sexual performance.


  1. Stress and anxiety

A good and healthy sex life comes along with mental and emotional peace.

You can enjoy your intimacy as long as you are mentally and emotionally relaxed.

Sexual arousal and orgasms are all related to your mind.

Further, too much workload and a busy schedule can cause a lot of stress.

Stress in turn causes an increased production of cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone, which reduces the production of Testosterone in men.

Fewer testosterone levels are directly associated with poorer sex life and performance.

Also, having too much stress or anxiety can make you tense.

Physical and mental fatigue follow along. They destroy the sexual relationship between you and your partner.

Therefore, it is extremely important to implement stress-relieving methods in your daily life.

This will help you manage your stress levels and your sex life.


  1. When sex is not your priority

Sometimes busy schedule and extreme workload can divert your attention.

You might feel too worked up and lazy at the end of the day.

Physical intimacy might seem like something too much.

Furthermore, at times you might feel extremely exhausted and fatigued.

It might make you want to take a rest for whatever time you get free.

All this becomes a reason for putting off sex and not prioritizing it.

You should know, that keeping sexual intimacy off the charts for quite a long can disturb it.

It is one of the worst habits that can kill your sex drive over time.

Thus, it is important to keep it on your priority list, and not dodge it often.

This will keep your sex life healthy and active.


  1. Lack of sleep

Not getting enough sleep is the biggest reason for poor sex life.

Taking a good long sleep is extremely important for the body.

It is not only essential for all the functions of the body but also for hormones.

When you are asleep, your hormonal production is at its peak.

Your body is at the resting stage, and regeneration stage as well.

Also, proper sleep leads to a good and healthy mind.

Mental and emotional well-being are too, maintained with a good amount of sleep.

They are equally important for good sex as well.

For better sexual performance, you ought to have a relaxed mind and body.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary to get a good and relaxing sleep.


  1. Having dull conversations

An interesting and joyful conversation between partners keeps their relationship active.

They must share a good understanding and talk about an active sex life too.

Sexual performance is generally triggered by a lot of factors.

The most important factor is attraction toward each other.

You will not get aroused unless you are attracted to the other person.

Thus, the best way to instill interest in each other is through talking.

If you indulge in dull conversations, you might end up losing interest.

Furthermore, you’ll lose attraction towards the other person if you think it’s boring.

Hence, you should bring up interesting and fun topics to talk about.


  1. Using smartphones in bed

For a good and fun sex life, you and your partner should have a mutual attraction.

If you’re distracted by something else, it reduces your drive.

Attention and care are the most important elements in an active sex life.

Sexual intimacy is not just about sex, it encompasses emotional intimacy too.

If you take your smartphone to bed, you remain indulged and busy. You pay no attention to your partner.

This might make them feel less wanted or less attractive.

Also, this reduces the amount of special or quality time for you both to spend together.

If you are wondering how to become more sexually active, try prioritizing each other.


  1. Inadequate amount of exercise or gym

Physical fitness plays an important role in sexual performance.

If you’re not fit and healthy enough, you might end up performing poorly.

Moreover, enough amount of exercise is essentially required for ideal sexual fitness.

If you do not exercise at all, that is a problem.

Also, if you exercise or hit the gym way too much, it can hamper your performance too.

Either way, your sex drive, and libido will get affected and your durability in bed too.

Therefore, there should be a healthy balance between less and extreme exercise.


  1. Drinking alcohol

You might think having alcohol will enhance your mood and boost your sex drive.

But that is not the case. Though it surely gives an extra kick to the mind, not with sex drive.

Having too much alcohol, especially before sex will only kill your mood.

It will reduce the passion and longing for sex. Instead, it will make you tired, dizzy, and cranky.

Therefore, you should always avoid drinking too much alcohol before sex to keep your passion alive.


  1. Overeating

Good sex requires your body to be calm, relaxed, and not tense.

If you’ve worked up or your body is aching or painting, you won’t enjoy sex.

Furthermore, eating too much can affect your sex performance.

Overeating can lead your stomach to be a little tensed and fuller. It might make your stomach heavier and more uncomfortable.

Discomfort is extremely bad for intimacy. You’ll be partially distracted and not able to enjoy the deed.

Also, sometimes, overeating can cause stomach pain. This is another reason why it is bad for sexual life.


  1. Bringing work to bed

Working is a good thing, as long as it is done in an appropriate place.

Work is supposed to be done from either office or a desk area at home.

If you’re at home and bring work to bed, your sex life will get disturbed.  

Also, you’ll stay distracted in your work even in bed.

There will be no time or space for you to get attracted to sex.

Eventually, it will become boring. To spice up the fun in your sex life, keep your work life and bed life separate.


  1. Excessive smoking

Smoking is popularly known as a bad habit for multiple reasons.

It is not good for your health. It has numerous bad effects on the body and leads to many serious diseases as well.

However, the most unexpected effect of smoking is poor sexual health.

Rather intriguing right? Well, smoking is on top of those bad habits that are ruining your sex life.

Smoking leads to decreases blood flow throughout the body.

This causes erectile dysfunction in men. while having sex, the sex organs require increased blood flow to perform well.

Also, in common, adequate blood flow is necessary for good sex life and pleasure.


  1. Keep trying the same things

To enjoy a satisfying and enjoyable sex life, you gotta be creative.

Many people go on repeating the same positions, and same techniques during sex.

This only makes their sex life boring and mundane.

There is nothing new and exciting left for them to enjoy.

Also, talking about the same stuff or the same tactics of foreplay make sex less interesting.

Therefore, it is utterly important to keep changing positions for increased desire.

Try different sexual positions for better sex.

This will not only increase your sex drive but also make this activity fun and desirable.

Apart from positions, try new things as well. Bring up some daring and romantic ideas to spice things up.

You can also add color to your sex life by changing the locations.

This gives you an exhilarating experience and makes your partner more attracted.


These were 13 major pointers showing how these unhealthy habits wreck your sex life.

We hope these will help you spice things up and avoid doing these habits knowingly.


Conclusion – Healthy Sex Habits to Improve Your Sexual Life

This exclusive blog dealt with the various daily habits that can ruin your sex life.

We seldom pay attention to small details and blame our bodies for them.

However, sometimes, poor sexual performance comes with lots of reasons.

These reasons include some of the daily habits which are seldom noticed by us.

There are many things that we do regularly, and which can ruin our sex life.

Many of these habits are so common, that a lot of people don’t even know about them.

Henceforth, we have framed this article to list down such 13 major habits.

These habits are extremely common and a large percentage of people are prone to them.

They not only disturb the sex life but affect it in long term too.

Moreover, such bad habits can deprive you of having a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience.

Hence, such habits must be avoided and taken care of.

Adapting healthy sex habits instead of these will help enhance your sex life.

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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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