Foods To Boost Erection

Is it possible that foods can help achieve bigger, harder, and stronger erections?

According to studies, approx. one-third of all men find it harder to get or keep an erection that’s firm enough for sex.

Meaning they suffer from Erectile Dysfunction issue (the most common sexual dysfunction in men).

There are several male enhancement supplements on the market intended to get a harder erection and overcome erectile dysfunction.

But if you want to improve your erection naturally and safely then there are several Healthy Foods To Boost Erection.

Since eating habits can affect your health – physically and mentally; it can affect your erection too, thus you should be aware of what you put in your mouth.

Taking a healthy diet can make a huge difference to what happens down there.

There are foods to help impotence and cure erectile dysfunction.

In particular, foods that have been scientifically evidenced to improve blood flow, boost libido, increase sex drive, raise testosterone levels and help combat erectile dysfunction


10 Best Foods That Boost Men’s Erection

Whether your concern is weak erection, prostate health, and erectile dysfunction, these organic foods may help boost your sexual health and function.

  1. Spinach And Other Green Vegetables
  2. Coffee
  3. Salmon
  4. Chili Peppers
  5. Oats
  6. Avocado
  7. Bananas
  8. Oysters
  9. Chocolate
  10. Pork

Most of the foods to boost erection listed here are healthy.

So if you want a firmer, harder erection, you need to try them and lead a healthy sexual life.

Healthy Foods To Boost Erection


Now let’s take a look at how these foods can help you treat a weak erection.


Spinach And Other Green Vegetables

Spinach contains folate (a blood flow booster) that plays a vital role in male sexual function.

Different studies have shown that low blood folic acid is linked to erectile dysfunction. [source]

Numerous researches suggest that Cooked spinach contains 77% of the DV (Daily Value) for folate per cup (185 grams), making spinach the most folate-rich food.

Moreover, spinach is also rich in magnesium which helps boost testosterone levels and increase blood flow.

Other green veggies like asparagus, broccoli, and edamame beans are also good sources of folic acid.



A morning cup of java may help boost metabolism, improve blood flow, and can also heighten your endurance power by releasing fat store, giving you the kicking energy to last all night.

The clinical study with over 3,000 men showed that those who consumed 85–300 mg of caffeine per day didn’t report any symptoms of erectile dysfunction compared to those with the lowest caffeine intake. [Source]

Note: Since these researches are based on self-reporting from the participants, they cannot be completely trusted.



Salmon is a rich content of protein and omega-3 fatty acids which enhances blood flow and makes the blood less sticky.

Eating fish like mackerel, fresh tuna, and trout twice a week can help keep your blood vessels well-oiled.

Tuna contains magnesium which has been shown to raise testosterone levels.

In addition, it also helps your body process nitric oxide, which aids in relaxing muscle tissue inside the penis and stimulates blood flow into it.

Therefore best foods to boost erection.


Chili Peppers

Get ready to spice up your sex life with red chilies.

Science says, capsaicin – an active component of chili peppers has the potential to boost your bedroom performance.

The chemical capsaicin found in chilies plays a crucial role in expanding blood vessels.

It’s not just the arteries that get the boost but an adequate amount of blood is being forced into little tubes in the pelvic region – so what you need is a smooth and strong heart, and healthy pipework.



Studies suggest that Oats have some beneficial effects on erectile function and sexual health.

Oats are a type of cereal grain, also considered an aphrodisiac that may be advantageous for improving blood flow to the penis.

They contain the amino acid L-arginine which in the findings has been shown to boost testosterone levels and treat erectile dysfunction.

In addition, L-arginine helps blood vessels in the relaxation of blood vessels in the penis so the blood flow in the pelvic region can increase.



Avocados are a great source of vitamin E that can lower your LDL cholesterol and stimulate blood-vessel function including the boosting of your erection size.

This food may also improve sperm quality in men who are suffering from infertility.

According to the studies, 150 grams of a medium avocado provides 21% of the Daily Value of vitamin E.

In addition, a medium avocado also gives 9% of the Daily Value for Zinc. It’s an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in boosting testosterone and improving fertility.



Bananas are high in potassium which is great for blood circulation and a healthy heart.

Taking enough potassium stops your blood pressure from hitting the roof, keeps your sodium levels under control, and minimizes the possibility of heart problems.

If you don’t like bananas and eat too much salt, then you can get your dose of potassium from oranges or jacket potatoes.



Oysters basically contain minerals like vitamin B6 and zinc which are essential for boosting testosterone levels.

Men having low testosterone experience some decline in sex drive and therefore you must raise your body’s T-Levels.

The nutrients in oysters support sexual health and help maintain healthy levels of dopamine.

Furthermore, it increases blood flow to the penis and prevents issues such as erectile dysfunction



Dark chocolate is rich in Flavonoids – a group of natural substances found in fruits, vegetables, grains, roots, and stems.

Numerous studies have shown that Flavonoids can improve blood flow.

Dark chocolate is also highly enriched with magnesium which is known for increasing testosterone levels and pumps blood through a system of blood vessels.

Chocolates are the best foods to boost erection and make it harder, stronger, and long-lasting.

In addition, eating too much dark chocolate can make you gain weight since it is high in sugar and fat.

So don’t eat chocolate every day.



Some studies show that Pork may have effects on erectile dysfunction.

Pork is rich in Vitamin B1 (thiamine) which is responsible for encouraging the production of sex hormones.

Vitamin B1 is also liable for the proper function of the nervous system.

Besides pork, this component is also found in wholegrain products, asparagus, pea, bean, nuts, fish, and liver.

So if you don’t eat pig, you can get your B from these foods.


In addition to these Foods To Boost Erection we’ve mentioned here, a healthy diet, that’s high in lean meats, vegetables, fish, and fruits can help lower your cholesterol, as well as ensure that blood is pumping around your body.

All the foods listed above will reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction and help you get a stronger, harder erection.

However, the best food to improve erectile dysfunction is not the permanent solution. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction more frequently, you should consult your doctor.

Read the causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction and get advice on what you can do about it.


The bottom line

These 10 Healthy Foods To Boost Erection are scientifically backed and positively affect sexual health, male fertility, or prostate health.

What’s more important is that all of these are minimally processed foods.

Dietary patterns rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, along with healthy fats and protein have been proven to help improve sex drive and reduce erectile dysfunction.

Looking for more ways to promote sexual health and boost libido?

Check out our blog on the 10 best foods to stimulate your libido and improve your sex life.

After all, your sexual health is important.

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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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