Fix Delayed Ejaculation

Guys are frequently worried about delayed ejaculation.

Can you picture having the opposite difficulty and needing to wait an eternity to cum?

Men, it might be hard to believe, suffer from delayed or hindered ejaculation just as much as women.

While we have all known of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, just a few people have heard of delayed ejaculation.

The most misinterpreted significant men’s sexual health problem is delayed ejaculation (DE).

DE is less common than premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED). DE, on the other hand, can indeed be highly troublesome. It causes similar bodily, mental, and interpersonal problems that Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction do.

DE is, a considerable lag, or lack of orgasms for at least 75 percent of cases while engaged in sexual activity over the past few months, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Delayed Ejaculation is not only aggravating to men, but it can also make their spouses’ sex lives harder.

DE lengthens ejaculation duration by a minimum of 5-7 minutes.

But your companion may no longer have vaginal or anal wetness during this time, or just feel exhausted to maintain sex.

We have covered everything you need to know about delayed ejaculation today.

We will discuss the causes and how to fix delayed ejaculation and much more in this post.

If you want to know keep reading and you will all the answers.

Let us first start with what it is.


Delayed Ejaculation: What Is It?


Delay ejaculation arises when an individual requires a long time to discharge.

What appears to be a blessing is actually a misfortune for the men who are suffering.

Even though the precise duration between commencement of intercourse and ejaculation fluctuates, research indicates that for males, the typical intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) is many minutes.

Some researchers contend it takes between five and six minutes. Whereas many say it takes up to ten minutes or more. This illness has not broadly agreed on the temporal frame.

According to surveys, around 11% of the men suffer from delayed ejaculation.

For some males, ejaculation can take approximately 45 minutes.

Men with delayed ejaculation might find the act of orgasm and ejaculation challenge.

Even with strong sexual excitement, males with delayed ejaculation would not be satisfied sexually or ejaculate at all.

Some may be capable of achieving orgasm and ejaculation exclusively through other sexual encounters or activities, such as masturbation.

Delay ejaculation problems are of two categories:

  • Generalized – You have to cope with delayed ejaculation on a regular basis here. It does not matter who you are, delayed ejaculation is a persistent source of irritation.
  • Situational – Situational delayed ejaculation, in contrast, is a phenomenon that only occurs in specific situations. For instance, you might be with a companion who puts you under a lot of stress. Or you might be scared that your neighbors will overhear you having sex. When the bothersome cause is eliminated, situational delayed ejaculation is typically resolved.

This was all about delayed ejaculation.

Let us take a look into the potential indications you might have of delayed ejaculation.


Symptoms Of Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is frequently obvious to individuals who are suffering.

The male may sense as if he is approaching climax but is failing to come to a stage of ejaculation in some situations.

There may be arousal but no sensation of foreboding orgasm at other times. The intensity of delayed ejaculation can fluctuate, and it can induce a variety of indications.

Although there is no exact time frame for determining whether or not somebody has delayed ejaculation.

Most experts believe that a guy has delayed ejaculation if he is in the 30+ min region.

Do you believe you have a problem with delayed ejaculation?

The following are typical signs and symptoms:


  • Long-term commitment

Although there is no set period for delayed ejaculation, guys who take more than 30 minutes to find pleasure may be experiencing delayed ejaculation.


  • Never Getting To Orgasm

Your spouse is experiencing orgasm, but you can’t seem to get close enough.

Even if it’s been close to an hour that you and your partner were having sex.

Finally, you give up in disgust. If this sounds like you, you may have a problem with delayed ejaculation.


  • It Seems Like a Task

If you believe intercourse is more of a job than a pleasurable experience, you may have delayed ejaculation dysfunction.


  • Wanting to apply the brakes

Guys who experience delayed ejaculation might have to quit for a variety of reasons.

Such as becoming upset or disappointed or dropping their erection as a result of prolonged intercourse.


  • Masturbation is your preferred method of pleasure.

Some men discover that masturbation alleviates delayed ejaculation.

It is dangerous to keep doing it in this case. Masturbation may exacerbate the problem when they do have intercourse.

This was all about delayed ejaculation. Let us now look into the reasons why a man might suffer from such a problem.


What Causes Delayed Ejaculation?

Pathologic, neuronal, endocrine, pharmacological, or psychological factors can all contribute to delayed ejaculation.

In some circumstances, there may be multiple reasons that exacerbate the problem. Latency in ejaculation can be due to a multitude of conditions.

Ranging from psychiatric problems to physical problems to the utilization of certain medications.

Several variables may combine to make it harder to reach orgasm and ejaculate.

Here are a few physical factors that might cause delayed ejaculation.


Biological causes of DE

Delay in orgasms is often connected to a health state, such as nerve injury or the consumption of a specific drug.

The following are some of the physical issues of delayed ejaculation:

  • Some medicines can cause delayed ejaculation. Antidepressants, for example, can impair your capacity to climax and discharge. This may lead to postponed ejaculation. Depression and antipsychotic medications are all linked to delayed ejaculation.
  • Drinking too much liquor or alcohol abuse is a considerable cause of DE. Alcohol has been linked to a slew of associated with sex troubles, notably erectile dysfunction. Ejaculation may be delayed if you drink alcohol regularly or heavily.
  • Disruption to the nerves is a major cause of DE. Injury to the pelvic muscles that govern your capacity to orgasm and ejaculate might result or delayed ejaculation. Vascular disease is among diseases and neurological disorders that can trigger nerve destruction. Ejaculation might be delayed as a result of a spinal injury.
  • Some diseases, such as bladder infections, might make orgasm and ejaculate more difficult. These infections can be due to a previous sexual encounter. If your sexual mate has had infections in the urinary tract, high chance that you will get it. Or you might not engage in proper genital hygiene that will lead to infections.
  • Ejaculation in reverse. Semen is discharged into the bladder rather than outwardly from the penis in this scenario. You could be capable of reaching orgasm but only produce a small amount of semen, if any at all.
  • Pelvis operation is a procedure that involves the removal of the pelvis.  Ejaculation may be delayed after certain prostate procedures. This may include prostate excision or transurethral resection of the prostate.
  • Hormone imbalances. Levels of testosterone or excessive hormonal synthesis can impair your sexual performance. Along with this your capacity to achieve orgasm and ejaculate.

While these were a few physical causes of delayed ejaculation there are other causes as well.

These causes may be psychological in nature. We may take a look into a few of them now.


Psychological factors causing DE

  • Fear of bonding, conception anxieties, and other variables all play a role. Various anxieties, such as the dread of connection or the fear of knocking up your sexual partner, can impede the potential to ejaculate, resulting in delayed ejaculation.
  • Depression and anxiety are examples of mental health issues. Delay in ejaculation has been connected to a number of mental health issues, including unhappiness, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • Stress over sexual performance. It’s normal to experience worry preceding sex, even if you don’t have an anxiety problem. This is sexual competence anxiety, and it can lead to issues like erectile dysfunction and trouble ejaculating.
  • Masturbation-induced problems. If you repeatedly masturbate or view porn, it’s possible that you will develop sexual dysfunction. This may include delayed or impaired ejaculation as well.
  • An absence of infatuation and/or tension between your sexual companion. If you don’t experience a physical desire for your partner, or if you’re dissatisfied with your partner because of a quarrel, you can struggle to have sexual arousal prolonged sufficient to ejaculate.
  • Regret caused by religious or cultural convictions. Your capacity to climax and discharge may be harmed if you have a social or spiritual heritage that considers sex to be immoral or wrong.
  • Sexual or masturbation-related catastrophic occurrences.  Sometimes traumatic situations associated with sex or masturbating might cause a delay in ejaculation. The concerns about your partner’s sexual history or a terrible previous experience with sex might make orgasm and ejaculation more difficult.

These were some common answers to what causes a man to not be able to climax. Let us now take a look into the treatments available.


Delayed Ejaculation Treatments

Delayed Ejaculation Treatment

There is no point in knowing the symptoms and causes of delayed ejaculation if there is no treatment.

Lucky for you, there are treatment options available. Treatment options are generally based on the causes.

Here are a few:



There are medicines available where are medicines available to treat delayed ejaculations.

These drugs can treat your condition. However, it must be noted that delayed ejaculation pills are not approved by FDA.

This is because these drugs are associated with a lot of side effects. Therefore, it is always suggested that you consult a licensed professional before you consume any of these drugs.

Sometimes a change in medication that is already been taken might help as well.

However, do not try changing your regular medications without consultation with a doctor.


Counseling or therapy

Some individuals may gain from speaking with a sexual problems specialist psychologist.

Even when there is a valid clinical cause, some individuals find that talking with a sex therapist, in conjunction with any other treatment options, is beneficial.

Therapy requires a while, but it has a 70 percent to 80 percent efficacy rate.

Communicating with your partner to lessen sexual performance stress and assist you calm during intercourse may be part of counseling for some individuals.

Speaking to a licensed therapist for a sex problem that is causing delayed ejaculation could include focusing on your relationship and closeness with your spouse.


Lifestyle changes

If a lifestyle problem is causing your delayed ejaculation, implementing specific lifestyle modifications may assist.

Talk with your spouse. Performance anxiety is a common cause of delayed ejaculation. If you’re worried about something sex-related, suggest speaking about it with your partner.

It will relieve stress and make sex more relaxed and pleasant. Seek therapy if you have a drinking or drug abuse problem.

Delay in ejaculation and other sexual disorders may be due to alcohol and drug usage. Also, refrain from smoking.

Make an effort to live a healthy and active lifestyle. You can get rid of DE by following a healthy diet and exercising on a daily basis.

These were a few treatment options you can apply. There are others as well.

For instance, you can always try using sex toys beforehand or foreplay. With this, we have come to the end of our article today.


In Conclusion

Ejaculation that is postponed is more prevalent than you might imagine. It occurs when a man is unable to reach orgasm in a prompt or even timely manner.

Ejaculation may be delayed as a result of psychiatric conditions, pharmaceutical interactions, or previous physical conditions.

If you believe you have DE, we advise seeing your doctor. If you have such a problem, you have nothing to be embarrassed by.

It will require patience and effort on both of your parts to overcome DE.

Good communication is essential for this, regarding not only what you’re going through, but also about what’s functioning and what isn’t in bed.

You’ll be more likely to increase not only your sexual experience but also your relationship if you fight in a collaboration.


People Also Ask For:


What are some home remedies for delayed ejaculation?

Exercises related to pelvic muscles like bulges might help you.

Along with that, a diet focusing on zinc will help you with your sexual issues.

Along with that if you are not in a mood do not engage in sex. Try refraining from it for a while.


What are some exercises for delayed ejaculation?

Exercises you can do for delayed ejaculation are:

  • Kegel exercises
  • Aerobics
  • Yoga


How to help partner with delayed ejaculation?

You can always try talking to him and reducing his stress.

Along with that, a partner might try masturbating him before sex. We also prefer for you and your partner to consult a sexologist.


How to diagnose delayed ejaculation?

A physical assessment and an evaluation of your medical records may be enough to make a diagnosis.

If the reason isn’t obvious, the health professional may conduct tests to help limit the possibilities.

A simple blood or urine test may be used as part of the test.


Can Viagra help with delayed ejaculation?

Although Viagra isn’t associated with delayed ejaculation, it can help you improve your performance.

In fact, the medicine won’t necessarily make you last more in the way most people assume.

It may help you perform better sexually in general.


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By Harry Devin

Hi Guys, this is Harry Devin, An experienced sexologist from Manchester, UK. I love to share my experience with the people to improve their sexual health and such kinds of issues......Read More Get Me on Social Channels: Facebook | Google+  |  Twitter | Linkedin

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